Each of those women
And yet it is her perspective on life that is so enriching
Posted by alice c 4 comments
Now, I am in a quandary,
because these are
things I don't really want to remember.
On the other hand,
I don't want to give the impression
that our family lives a glossy magazine life...we don't.
I just write about the things that take my fancy.
Posted by alice c 1 comments
Posted by alice c 5 comments
MasterM has returned from Australia
with two arms, two legs and a full set of teeth.
Which is GOOD
Posted by alice c 5 comments
The seats have downy pillows to sink into
and everything is chosen to please the eye.
Would you prefer
braised lamb shanks,
perfectly cooked steaks,
or little parcels of chicken and wild mushrooms?
Remember to leave room for Rose Glace...
Or le fromage?
(that's for you, bb)
And now, little glasses of the strongest coffee.
Time to sit and enjoy the moment.
Hold onto this memory
because it will keep you warm
on a cold January morning.
Posted by alice c 2 comments
The runway is a shallow strip between ploughed fields.
Airborne, the land below shimmers
in the early evening light
We fly over hilltop towns,
grand chateaux,
and tiny churches.
All too soon, we are home.
Monsieur nods modestly as we try to thank him.
Even MrM, with his fluent French,
cannot adequately express the joy, the exhilaration,
of seeing this beautiful landscape from the air.
Posted by alice c 7 comments
What does the well dressed French woman
wear to Rugby matches?
I know that this question has often tortured you late at night.
To save you further angst, I present my research.
Sadly, the pink and white milkmaid look
and the asymmetric shroud effect
passed me before I could capture them on camera
and are lost forever.
The first thing to say is that if you are
The Principal Fan
you must wear the correct colour and lots of it.
It was agreed that the
"net curtain over jodphurs" style
was too formal.
Is this Nancy Dell'Olio at a Rugby match?
Has she told Sven?
These shoes are delightful
but will stain
if ketchup falls from the saucisson in baguette.
This bag is perfect for programmes and autograph books.
Silk? Flowers? Diamond toe accessories
At a Rugby match?
I think not.
This outfit received the MissM/MrsM seal of approval.
Smart and yet casual,
interesting pattern but not too distracting.
Topped by an immaculate bob
accessorised with patent black Birkenstocks -
who even knew that there were such things?
I am so glad that I decided not to wear turquoise.
Posted by alice c 5 comments
Posted by alice c 2 comments
Oh! Look! MrM is not the only one with a hole in the head.
MrM recovers to plan the itinerary.
This will take us to well known locations
such as the Church of the Seven Dwarfs...
and a rugby match...
a Rugby Match??
...how did that happen?
We need to build in some time for relaxation
If only Poppy was here - the facilities for dogs are fabulous.
We must have some of the famous Potted Spinach.
And finally, some late night poker
that his daughter knows more about poker
than he does.
An expensive mistake.
Posted by alice c 5 comments
Posted by alice c 7 comments
MissM loves TicTacs
MrsM loves mint
Posted by alice c 2 comments