It has marked the passage of childhood
from gap toothed smiles to braces
the magical extra day,
Posted by alice c 19 comments
It is nice to have something to look forward to...
Posted by alice c 17 comments
I think that it must have been in old Nelly's shop
standing silently among the tottering piles of plates.
I ransack my memory for details
but there is only light streaming through tall windows
onto dusty bowls and serving dishes.
The blue and silver pushchair must have been there somewhere,
but it is only the china that I can remember,
and old Nelly who sat on a kitchen chair among the tea chests
and talked to my mother.
It must have been then...
among the dust and the crumpled newspapers,
between the heavy black door and the worn floorboards,
beside soup plates and tureens, odd saucers and teapots.
The beginning was then.
Posted by alice c 3 comments
Posted by alice c 6 comments
and I discovered
that I am hopeless
at taking Fashion Show photographs.
It is not as easy
as I thought it would be.
This Fashion Show was organised by two pupils
and featured 40 young models, male and female.
It was generously sponsored by local businesses
and enthusastically supported by parents.
All monies raised will go to
Breakthrough Breast Cancer
I thought of Susan at Toddlerplanet
who is returning to work
and beginning to plan for the future
with her husband and two little boys
and I was glad to support this very worthwhile charity.
Posted by alice c 6 comments
Posted by alice c 7 comments
Posted by alice c 4 comments
Posted by alice c 10 comments
Posted by alice c 20 comments
and the weather...
But it does look pretty from the bathroom window.
I wrote this post last summer
and found it again yesterday.
It makes me smile because
I can hear my mother speaking so clearly.
This sort of memory makes a blog much more than a photo album.
Posted by alice c 6 comments
Oh...and if I haven't mentioned you...
please don't be offended
just come anyway...
and bring a friend.
You will all be most welcome.
Posted by alice c 19 comments
Posted by alice c 10 comments
If you feel that you would like to help Wyatt
contribute to this worthwhile charity
he will be grateful for every single dollar.
Posted by alice c 3 comments
Posted by alice c 9 comments
and a wife;
a cook, laundress and gardener;
and sometimes just myself.
I am also a salarywoman.
I have been asked to apply for a new job
and today, I have the interview.
When they ask me if I have any questions
I shall say
'Can you tell me where I am going to find
another two hours every day?'
Posted by alice c 12 comments
Posted by alice c 10 comments
Edited to add
It would appear that a dislike of Shepherds Pie is a Boy Thing.
I had assumed that it was specific to MasterM and my fault
- due to some long- forgotten but very damaging incident
in his early childhood.
I am so grateful to you all for lifting this burden
which has worried me for years.
Posted by alice c 14 comments
Posted by alice c 8 comments