Have packed umbrellas, waterproof coats and hot water bottles.
Thursday, 28 June 2007
Off Gallivanting...
Have packed umbrellas, waterproof coats and hot water bottles.
Posted by alice c 2 comments
Posted by alice c 6 comments
Wednesday, 27 June 2007
and the heron waits.
Posted by alice c 4 comments
Monday, 25 June 2007
On The Importance of Photographs
Guscott was a hamster.
- Small and nippy.
- Lived in a complicated cage that only MasterM was able to re-assemble.
- Addicted to pine nuts.
- Escaped and recaptured at least twice.
- Much loved.
So far, so average. Everyone has known a hamster like Guscott.
When Guscott ground to a halt on his yellow wheel at the advanced age of two and a half his little body was lovingly encased in a matchbox coffin, decorated with messages for the hamster afterlife and some pinenuts for the journey. MasterM and MissM escorted him to the vets and we gave him to the very kind Veterinary Nurse.
To her credit she did not snigger when confronted with two weeping children and merely murmured "Do you want to collect the ashes tomorrow?"
I must have looked aghast because she quickly explained that it would not be necessary.
As we left the surgery MasterM asked in a quavering voice
"What will happen to Guscott?"
I had prepared for this moment. I spoke in language that he was familiar with.
"Darling, Guscott is going to have a Viking funeral."
I had not realised that eight year olds could shriek so loudly. I hurried them both to the car and then said in my most soothing voice
"Let's go home and look at the photos of Guscott so that we can remember what a lovely, friendly, funny hamster he was."
dear reader
- Picture me searching fruitlessly through boxes and boxes of folders of photos that had not been carefully organised into albums.
- Picture my children looking at me and knowing that they knew that I was a failure as a mother.
which is why
when we went to the shop
to buy Hatley
- large and gentle
- addicted to Shreddies
- lived in an even more complex construction (guilt money)
- escaped and recaptured at least twice
- much loved
I made sure that every aspect of his life was fully documented.
It also explains why I am the one with a camera at family gatherings.
At the back of my mind there is a small voice whispering
"This could be it. This could be the last picture of us all together."
Posted by alice c 4 comments
The End of the Beginning
For three years they have written thousands of words.
And this is the end of all that.
There are tears of elation and tears of disappointment.
And farewells.
Now is the time to face up to the future.
Posted by alice c 3 comments
Sunday, 24 June 2007
Paws for Thought
Try to get into a regular sleep habit.
I recommend at least eight hours a night.
Sleep helps your skin to relax and regenerate.
Love Poppy x
(Reaching out to the spaniel community)
Posted by alice c 0 comments
Saturday, 23 June 2007
Questions for my Estate Agent.
- What is a palazzina? Is it a small palazzo - because if I am spending €3.6m I 'm not wanting anything small.
- Why has it got two bedrooms and two kitchens but only one bathroom? Does that mean that I have to cook my own breakfast but I get to share a bath?
- Artist's studio...I'm worried about the neighbours. What sort of artist is earning enough to buy a palazzina?
- Is the Gothic Cortile petrol or diesel?
- As the property has a private boat entrance is there a gondola provided or do I have to bring my own?
- Is there an agreement covering communal areas? Because otherwise the shared staircase is going to be a deal-breaker.
Posted by alice c 3 comments
Friday, 22 June 2007
Shopping with MissM
MrsM... Should I buy this ?
MissM.. Only if you want to look like a Solero wrapper
MrsM... So that's a no, then.
Posted by alice c 2 comments
Thursday, 21 June 2007
Oranges and Lemons
has been cancelled
These roses were given to me yesterday.
I am astonished how much I love them.
Posted by alice c 1 comments
Wednesday, 20 June 2007
Stir with a Knife, Stir up Strife.
"I think that it is very worrying.
First of all because you said that you would NEVER do a blog"
"And also because it is weird"
"Why is it weird?"
"Because you are putting all that stuff on the Internet."
tomato knife - used only by MrM
"That's not weird. That's normal"
Posted by alice c 4 comments
One for Sorrow...
Thank you soooo much, MrM.
Posted by alice c 0 comments
Tuesday, 19 June 2007
An Apple for MissM

I arrived at the surgery feeling like the Wicked Witch.
But MissM
MissM feels like smiling.
Posted by alice c 2 comments
Monday, 18 June 2007
Sunday, 17 June 2007
Fathers Day
He is absent from September until April - or May -
depending on how well London Irish are doing in the League.
He loves coffee cake
which is a pain in the neck because everyone else likes chocolate cake.
He is a great dad.
Posted by alice c 3 comments