The buds are spilling open, fresh spring leaves.
I have successfully nurtured it for another year.
MasterM regards it with affection
"It is too big for the pot, you know" he says.
I know.
"You could plant it in the garden" he says.
Maybe, maybe.
"Don't worry, I'll water it while you are away" I say.
"Thanks" he says.
MasterM turns away, there are other things to think of.
I consider the oak tree
and remember the acorn
that came home in the pocket of his shorts.
I think I may cry - thank you for writing this.
We have been planting sycamore seeds but I think acorns would be lovely too. I must remember to pick one up in the autumn.
Of course this makes me teary.
It goes so quickly - he sounds so lovely.
I feel weepy, and I don't even have PMS. Beautiful.
Posts like these make me realise how lucky I am to have mine still small. I really should appreciate this time more and leave the mess to go hang...
You know what - pretty much what Sian said!
MrM reports that either he has shrunk or MasterM has grown as one is now taller than the other - has been for about 18 months I suppose.
We used to find all sorts of treasures at the bottom of the washing machine when our boy was smaller and wore his pants with pockets.
Thanks Alice. Sometimes I get too caught up in the whirlwind that is having two toddlers that I forget to slow down and enjoy, although I do try hard. Thanks for the wistful reminder. xoxo
If only all the detritus from their pockets held as much meaning. Lovely Alice.
Lovely and simply expressed. What a talent you have.
I arrived at your budding oak tree after having visited the autumn foliage in bluemountainmary's garden. These shall be the two bookends to my day. Thank you to you both.
We are thinking about doing something similar for Boo and Skibo now that they are old enough to understand the idea of planting seeds for the future.
You have such a beautiful way with words.
So beautiful and simple. This made my day!
Oh sweet. And I love the analogy even more because I am an oak lover!
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