Saturday 5 July 2008

the end of a long week

five nights away from home
two planned trips home
one unplanned trip home
four concerts
three picnics
unreasonable number of parties
one Giraffe costume
one expedition to shop to buy psychedelic waistcoat
one return expedition to shop to retrieve mobile phone
one saintly younger sister
two emergency visits to camera shops
unknown quantity of champagne
three traffic jams
one speeding ticket?
seven suitcases full of laundry
one amazing sunset


Thank you so much
for all your wonderful messages
over the past week -
it has been such fun to read them
on MrM's Blackberry.
I hope to catch up with all your news
over the weekend.


fifi said...

and what a splendid week!
Hope the next one is just as lovely!

Anonymous said...

Welcome home.
I look forward to hearing about your time away. Meanwhile, I will enjoy the sunset.
- Alice (down the rabbit hole)

Lynn said...

That sunset photo took my breath away! Enjoy your recovery...

BreadBox said...

Welcome back! Glad you had a wonderful --- and spontaneous --- time:-)


walter and me said...

So much crammed in! Enjoy your weekend...recovering?!

Anonymous said...

Phew - I don't know about you, but I need to sit down after all that!

kristina said...

I thought I had a busy week--but nothing compared to this--wow! K x

dragonfly said...

Wow - what a week! And what a sunset! Hope you get to put your feet up this weekend...

blackbird said...

Welcome back - and congratulations.

Mary said...

Like the others have said - now is the time for a holiday methinks!

The champagne sounded good.

The sunset is magnificent.

dottycookie said...

Goodness me, what a busy time you've had! Ours has been eventful too, though rather less fun - will catch up with you soon.

Gina said...

Gosh what a crammed week... you must be exhausted!

Dani said...

Umm.... We're going to need for you to elaborate on the Giraffe Costume once you rest up, okay?