I Heart Japan
...loadsa sightseeing...
...chillin' with the local talent...
...in the chopstick zone...
...scary guy with sword...
...retail therapy rules...
...nearly abducted by aliens...
...check out these uber cool shades...
...nite life Tokyo style...
...sayonara peeps...
...loadsa sightseeing...

Ah... a camera charger was found and the wrist strap held.
Lovely photos MissM. You obviously had a wonderful time.
What fun!! Great pics by MissM. Great words by MrsM.
I see the apple has not fallen far from the tree in the photography stakes.
Glad the monkey had his stab vest handy for the samurai sword encounter!
Johnny is the proud owner of the very same model (monkey, not stab vest).
I didn't even know that monkey had a passport???
You do realise you're raising a blogger?
Fab photos, Miss M.
Miss M takes fab photos just like her mum. And LOVE the monkey! Is he as well-traveled as Miss M? K x
Too cute! It looks like MissM had lots of fun!
I am glad the camera made it through the trip this time!
Pleased that Miss M and her companion had a good time, but where are the Geishas and the Sumo wrestlers?
If only Miss M had let us know sooner that she was off to the Land of the Rising Sun, we could have given her our wish lists of Japanese Craft Books and requests for kimono silk!
(Does the monkey have a name?)
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