Friday 3 July 2009

Written Memory

'...that we might be able to love
what our understanding has seen
and what our memory has held.'

St. Catherine of Siena (c1347-80)

I have spent the weekend in the quiet heart of the countryside at the cottage that we visit every year at this time. We did the same things that we do every year and rested for a short while from the demands of our everyday lives.

It gave me a chance to reflect and I realised that, for the moment, I have written everything that I want to write here.

It is a memory of childhood written for my children and offered with my love. It is not complete but it is enough.

The cottage windows look out over orchard and meadow and woods. In the distance there are the constant sounds of woodpigeons and blackbirds but, near by, in the grass and hedges, the magpies chattered noisily to each other. It made me smile to see them as they bustled around.

I would like to thank you all for your friendship. Your emails and comments have made the blog so much more than I anticipated and your encouragement and advice has always helped me to see the way forward.

I hope that you will smile whenever you see a magpie and think of us: MrM, MasterM, MissM and MrsM.


Anonymous said...

I want to thank you for sharing your little magpies with us. They have never failed to offer delight under your gentle eye. Don't fly too far away...

fifi said...

I will miss you. I often think of things you have shared for weeks after I have read them. I was trying to remeber the name of the lovely historic house with the daffodils only yesterday.

Thank you for your beautiful words and pictures.

Anonymous said...

Your wise words and gentle humour have helped me through difficult times Alice. I send my thanks and warmest wishes for joy and happiness to you and all your family. I shall miss you. Much love. Bobby x

Gina said...

Your beautiful words and photographs will be missed Alice, but thank you for sharing them. Warmest wishes to you and the other Magpies.

JuliaB said...

You are part of my morning routine! I will miss you! Thanks for all your sharing, your words and pictures have been most inspirational in so many differnt ways. x

Suse said...

Have you ever heard an Australian magpie call? It is one of the most exquisite sounds - quite different from other continents' magpies.

Every time I hear that warble (and I hear it at least once a day here in my home in the trees) I will think of you dear Alice.

Like the peppermint, I hope you won't fly too far away from us ...


Mary said...

I am a little in shock but do understand.

And I always always think of you when I see our beautiful magpie families up here.

With much love to you Alice.


dottycookie said...

I did wonder whether you were thinking of winding down. Thank you for being a warm, funny and often very touching writer over the plast couple of years, and a valued and very wise friend.

I shall miss you.

trash said...

Thank you.

Darlene said...

That was beautiful. Live your life, enjoy.

Rhiannon said...

Thank you for sharing your magpies with us, and even though I was late discovering you I still appreciated all the posts you created

Good luck with everything

kristina said...

Oh Alice, I'm going to miss your posts so much. I still thank my lucky stars to have met you that day at Persephone. But you musn't wander too far, as we still have more cakes to try at Petersham! K x

Eleanor said...

How lucky was it that I found your blog a year ago! Didn't we have the best time?!!

You have made a big difference to my outlook on life, family, writing, art, and much much more. Thank you so much Alice, and perhaps I might visit England some time in the future and thank you in person.

It has been a great joy to write in your commentboxes dear friend xxxxxxxxx

menopausalmusing said...

I too discovered you late, and shall miss your mind. x

walter and me said...

Thank you for all you've shared Alice, I'll miss you and your wise and funny words.
D x

Jackie said...

Thank you for allowing us to peep into your life. Thank you for allowing us to enjoy your economic but rich style, and thank you for being a blog friend. I shall miss you more than you can imagine. Your post-midnight posts have delighted me for the last year and a half, since I have been blogging but be assured that I have caught up with all your previous posts.
I'm quite tearful. I will never see Poppy's successor....
Much love

RW said...

I wish you much happiness on your journey.
Thanks for sharing your wisdom and your reflections.
Peace to you and yours.

Lina said...

What a perfect ending Alice. Thank you for your wonderful stories, delightful insights and pearls of wisdom!

Anonymous said...

Follow your heart.
I'll miss you very much as well.

dragonfly said...

Like others, you are part of my morning routine. I will miss you hugely Alice.
The friendship you have shown has been an unexpected gift I have found in Blogland and one that I will treasure.
I have a magpie nest in my garden and I always think of you.
With love and best wishes,
T x

Lynn said...

Just promise that you aren't giving up email as well as blogging, okay? It would be too much to bear.

Happy trails, friend...

blackbird said...


I'll always be around the corner if you need me.

- with love.

monica said...

what what what?

Ali said...

Oh Alice, it had to come at some point, but I am still a little sad. More than a little, if I am honest.

Thankfully, we have real life friendship to fall back on. See you soon, I hope.

Anonymous said...

Oh, dear friend, I will miss you more than you will know...but I understand the decision well. Thank you for sharing so much of yourself and your family with us. <3

Allison said...

I will miss you, Alice. Plain and simple.

But, I will add that your kind words during the time I lost my mother meant more to me than you may ever know.

Julia said...

I'll miss you too and promise to think of you when our resident magpie family fly past my window circling to prepare for the night.

Limecat said...

Alice, I hope this really is "for the moment" and no longer than that.

I've met some lovely people through your blog.

much love


Anonymous said...

Oh, Alice.
I'm sad, but I do understand.
Okay, then.

carolyn said...

A beautifully written farewell Alice, it's been nice to know you -

May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
and rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

Carolyn x

The domestic novice said...

Thank you for sharing such wonderful, witty prose - I've been an avid reader for such a long time. And we never did manage that coffee. Thank you for your lovely comments over on my side of the blog world. Much love, Cat xxx

Christy said...

I am really really going to miss you.

BreadBox said...

... and of course, doff my hat and say "Good morning, Mrs. Magpie"!


Anonymous said...

Alice, I've not left a comment before, but you've been one of my daily reads. Thanks so much - I'll miss you.


The Coffee Lady said...

I have loved your blog so much, Alice. It is so full of love, and a wonderful gift for your children.

I have drivelled on in the past about the support that you have given me as a blogger and as a person but I don't know if I have made clear how much your blog itself has meant to me. It is a beautiful and very special read.

I will miss your posts a very great deal. Do not - DO NOT - be a stranger.

driftwood said...

people change, friendships change, but some people will change your life forever, and you will always be one of those Alice, although we've never met.

I will think of you, when I see a magpie, or a lime, or whenever there is special china. your blog has made me think, made me cry, made me laugh, and made me happy to be part of this blog world.

I'll miss you, but I won't forget you......

eurolush said...

Eleanor gave me heads up about this post. I'm sorry I've been missing in blog world for a while. Now I've arrived here and am feeling sad. I will miss you, Alice.

If you ever change your mind...

Paula said...

Many Thanks for everything.
Sure I'll miss your posts.

M said...

WHAT? Wait I think I've missed a couple of posts. Back in a minute.

M said...

I'm sure you will find another nest. When you do let me know.

I haven't seen a blogger stray too far yet...

Joan said...

I have adored reading your blog--I will miss reading it. Thank you for taking the time to write it--the style was so refreshing. Warm wishes to you and your family from Canada.

Anonymous said...

Oh Alice I will miss you! You helped me through a very hard time in my life and I will remain always greatful. Please keep in touch!

Ginnie said...

Oh, Alice, I am so thankful for your friendship and beautiful, inspiring, thought-provoking, and entertaining words and pictures.
I have been thinking of you so much lately - you and Poppy, as we have just had to say goodbye to our own sweet Quincy. I grieved for you when you let us know about Poppy, and now am grieving for myself and G.
Thanks again for all the loveliness you brought into my life.

Diane said...


Leciawp said...

best wishes Alice! xoxo