Wednesday 26 November 2008

Text Alert

MasterM is on the last train home.
He has forgotten his house keys.

You can sleep in the Wendy House.
It will toughen you up.

Does it have central heating?

Only if you have a box of matches...

Oh...can you leave a hot water bottle out for me...

Poppy says she will let you in.

Does she have keys
or do I have to come in through the dog flap?

of course...
we waited up
and had that rush of pleasure and relief
when he walked through the door.


Mary said...

You regularly provide me with glimpses of my future~

blackbird said...

ahh, each day brings a tiny burden.

Lynn said...

And I thought the preschool antics were harrowing...

(Your word verif. is unnervingly psychic. It's telling me "nocar," and that is, in fact, correct. At least until the menfolk return from the "city" with our one automobile...)

M said...

At the same age, without the benefit of mobile phones, my brother would've thrown stones at my bedroom window. Big Sister, Big Sister, Let me in or I'll blow your house down.

Anonymous said...

You will miss him when he leaves home.

trash said...

My word ver. is 'booked'.

Am assumming it refers to collation of these anecdotes into pensioner penury prevention publishing programme.

Attic24 said...

Oh gawd, you know I just so DON't want my Littln's to ever grow up. Don't want them ever to have their own house keys and go off without me. Never ever ever. So there.

I love the word verification malarky too, one day last week mine was "dahling", which made me feel special. Today it's "ingioropo" which does not have quite the same effect

Anonymous said...

I assume that he now wears a necklace with the keys attached.

tess said...

perhaps you could go all high tech, and get finger print recognition on the door, and then he just has to remember his fingers.... can't say I'm much better though, I frequently lock myself out, which is why my brother who lives nearby has a spare set of my keys....

Gina said...

Another very familiar tale....

Anonymous said...

I am glad he made it safely home!

It is almost Thanksgiving here and I know you do not celebrate it there but I hope you have a happy weekend and I am very Thankful for your friendship!

Anonymous said...

I love these conversations you have - they sound exactly like the ones I used to have with my parents and the ones I expect to have with my children when they are big enough to go out on their own.

Ali said...

I was 20 before my parents gave me my own key to their house. Perhaps now I see their point...

BreadBox said...

Oh dear --- surely you can spring for the cost of a piercing of some appendage --- left hand, little finger, to which he could attach his keys, never to lose them again?

One of the nice things about where we live is that we've occasionally forgotten to lock the door, and it isn't something where we wake up in the middle of the night and sweat about checking the locks....


Jackie said...

Phew! I know that one.