My mother.
A musician and an artist.
She has explored many art forms and
when we were little
there were always things on the go:
an embroidered panel,
a watercolour,
a patchwork cushion.
Now that we have left home
she has more time to concentrate on her creative work
and one day I asked her if she was enjoying
the freedom that an empty nest brings.
She said
"I would give anything to have you all at home again."
Being our mother always came first.

My Brother's Lovely Wife has given up work
because she is expecting a Little Baby Cousin
and she is teaching my mother to use the computer.
Every Wednesday they get together
and have a cup of coffee
and explore the Internet.
I know that she will read this post
and so I just want to say
Hi Mum!
A musician and an artist.

when we were little
there were always things on the go:
an embroidered panel,
a watercolour,
a patchwork cushion.
Now that we have left home
she has more time to concentrate on her creative work
and one day I asked her if she was enjoying
the freedom that an empty nest brings.
She said
"I would give anything to have you all at home again."
Being our mother always came first.

My Brother's Lovely Wife has given up work
because she is expecting a Little Baby Cousin
and she is teaching my mother to use the computer.
Every Wednesday they get together
and have a cup of coffee
and explore the Internet.
I know that she will read this post
and so I just want to say
Hi Mum!
She is what I aspire to.
Popped over from Fairlie's because I noticed the title of this post! What a lovely surprise for your mother! No wonder she dotes on you!
Hi, Alice's mum! (Alice, you were a stunning baby.)
What a sweet gesture, Alice. Your mom sounds wonderful. Like mother, like daughter, I suppose.
Hello Alice's Mum. Sometimes I think creative work is all the more fun for being slotted in between the hustle and bustle of family life. Fantasize as I might about limitless time and no mothering duties, I know it would quickly loose it's appeal.
Mums are the most special people - amid all the hard work and stress it's taking getting ready for my parents to move down, and as much as I love my Dad, even knowing that the transition period will be at least demanding - deep inside I'm so excited about having my Mum close by after 18 years of being away that I can hardly contain myself
what lovely photos. Hi Alice's mum!
Hello to the Magpie women! So nice to meet you!
What lovely photographs. How very lucky you are.
Saying hello to Alice's Mum. Just don't show her how to play Solitaire - she will never get anything done then !!!
(My W.V. is pidge, I am going to remember that one for moments of stress.)
The sweetness of this post................. there is something very, very touching about it............... I think it's the love oozing from the photograph.................. and the gorgeous baby................... the lovely, happy baby! You were a charmer Alice, and your Mum is beautiful!
What a lovely post Alice, it's wonderful that your mum is discovering IT, perhaps we could encourage her to start a blog?
Hello to Alice's mum. I enjoy reading the blog of your very best creation. You should take some of the credit for that!
Police in Glasgow are looking at Facebook and arresting anybody seen to be holding a dangerous weapon.
Here at GMS household we are extremely worried and expecting a patrol car at any minute.
What lovely photos to cherish, and I wonder who that adorable baby could be? :o)
Motherhood and creativity go together hand in hand really. Beautiful phots of your Mum.
Your mum has some great hair!
Aww such cute pictures!
Hi Alices Mum! :)
Greetings to Alice's mum from snowy Massachusetts!
What charming photographs of two beautiful, loving people! Thanks for the smiles :)
Pass the tissues ~ you have me in tears!
She's not a bad MIL at all - and I'm not just saying that because she lives more than 200 miles away ...
Aw, maybe she would feel better if she read some of my whiny posts about loud children? :)
I'm only kidding, you know beneath all the daily grind of parenting, there is no place I'd rather be.
Hello Alice's mum! *waving*
Hello Alice's Mum.
What gorgeous photos!
curses Mr. Innernets for not letting me read this yesterday and HOORAY! that I am in time to say (somewhat dishevelled and late) HAPPY BIRTHDAY Grandmother Magpie.
Hello Alice's Mum! Lovely photo too....
And Alice, how lucky you are to still have your Mum, and be able to share creative things with her.
Ooo - hope i am not too late - oh dear, I think I am - I so want to say hello to the mother of our lovely Alice!
These are Beautiful pictures Alice, perfectly capturing the essence of a wonderful and dedicated mum. The best sort! x
Your mum sounds absolutely perfect. A bit like my own mum, in fact ;-)
Hello to Alice's mum!
oh my, is that baby you? you haven't changed!! (if it is you, if not... big apologies.)
I love it when you can spot somebody in their baby features. I find it strangely reassuring, like they've grown up just the way they should have... am I weird?
Hello Alice's mother!
I don't believe I've ever seen such a lovely picture of motherhood as those photos. Thank you for that moment of beauty.
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