Tuesday 6 January 2009

MrM Gets His Revenge

Monday Morning

"Get Up!
Get UP!
Do you know what the time is??
It is 7.15"

MrsM leaps out of bed.
It is her first day back at work
and she does not want to be late.

She is very disappointed
that her new alarm clock
(which she bought while MrM was considering bags)
has let her down.

She runs downstairs to the kitchen
where she discovers that...

It is not 7.15am...

It is 6.15am.

She totters back upstairs to bed for half an hour.

(MrM claims that this was an innocent mistake.)


Lynn said...

Mwahahahaha! You kids and your wacky shenanigans. What next: hot pepper in the cinnamon jar? Handshake buzzers? Whoopie cushions? I can't wait to see...

RW said...

for sure it wasn't.

blackbird said...

For some reason, I don't believe him.

(Though he has never given me reason to distrust him.)

Mary said...

If that was my husband he would be lucky to be still breathing!

Christy said...

don't you hate that? And then you have all that adrenalin rushing through you and it's hard to get back to sleep. =) Mr. M, Mr. M...... WHAT shall we do with you??

Quinn said...

Hmmmm. Is it too late to buy the heavily pocketed Swiss Gadgety bag?

BreadBox said...

Revenge is a dish best served when the kitchen floor is cold....


Eleanor said...

I wonder...will MrM dare to respond to THIS post in a commentbox?

Unknown said...

everything that goes round comes round :o)

Gina said...

That is cruel! But if it is any consolation Mr Fan my Flame's alarm woke me this morning at 6.15 and he is away on business for two nights. He got a lie in and a cooked breakfast this morning.

Ali said...

Sounds like our house this morning, though it really WAS 7.30. Good thing I did the PE kit stuff last night...

dottycookie said...

Naughty. Mr DC had to leave before 6 this morning and very considerately dressed in the spare room so as not to wake me. Unfortunately he then turned on hall and landing lights so he could see to get out to the car and left them on ...

walter and me said...

Naughty MrM...clearly he's not to be trusted...

The Coffee Lady said...

It was kind of him, I think, to allow you some extra me-time this morning.

Anonymous said...

Will you be discussing any other store based arguments?

Unknown said...

You always make me smile and this drew belly laughs! Thank you.

JuliaB said...

What a rotter!!! Hope you took a nice cup of tea back with you. xx

Anonymous said...

Humm I do not believe him!

You never know when revenge can strike back from your end. After all you do the cooking do you not?????? :)

Anonymous said...

My lips are sealed - just had a very pleasant stroganoffy type supper

Eleanor said...

Well played MrM!!

Anonymous said...

MrM is very cheeky

Anonymous said...

oh no! how funny... I did the same thing to my Mr M... although he didn't think it was funny at all.


Anonymous said...

Anonymous was me... No 3 press the enter key.


Allison said...

Sounds like a little bed short-sheeting needs to take place . . .

Lucy said...

Oh but that means a whole wonderful hour still in bed!

It's supposed to be women who fuss over buying handbags...