Friday 13 March 2009

Peer Pressure

A double expresso for me.

A double expresso for me as well.

I will just have a single expresso.

That's not very impressive.


You should try a double - you might like it.

I never have a double expresso.

Go on, go on, go on...

What is this all about?
Why is there suddenly a big issue
about my coffee order?
I have never had to justify it before.

MrsM takes a photo of the coffee cup
as a clear statement of her intention
to record this emotional bullying in her blog.

MrM to MissM
Did you notice that she needed to use the Zoom function?


blackbird said...

Methinks you are amongst a wee coffee cult.

Anonymous said...

I always go for the biggest size! But stick with lattees.

I am glad you did not cave to the pressure.

Anonymous said...

Just eat a second biscotti to make up for it!

Ali said...

Just one hit of good caffeine and I begin to blabber - a double is territory far too dangerous to contemplate.

kristina said...

I'm not sure I'd ever sleep again after a double! K x

Ali Honey said...

I'm with you. Just a single please.

I think your family teases you ...or tries to wind you up perhaps?

Unknown said...

There seems to be a certain element of attention seeking here - provoking you to blog about them methinks :o))))

The Coffee Lady said...

espresso? where's the milk froth on an espresso?

I just don't get the attraction at all.

But pictures of coffee are always nice.

Anonymous said...

TCL - MrsM is always la crema de la crema.

She will be having her favourite cup of coffee this evening in case you are worried for her.

MissM and I are just trying to bring MrsM on in her coffee education - only 15 pence more than a single. Nothing to do with blogworthiness - she does not need a lot of prompting generally if the camera is close to hand.

driftwood said...

mmmm, I think my reaction might have been "fine, I'll have tea then" just to be difficult.......... and to counteract the twitching eyelids that too much coffee does to me..

M said...

Last time I had a coffee I was laid up in bed for the afternoon. Sick, that is. Dangerous stuff. That wasn't bullying, it was potentially life threatening.

I stick to tea.

menopausalmusing said...

OH! ha! ha! read mine if you have time, it was written with similar thoughts.....

dragonfly said...

Tell me, I came over all authentic a while back in an Italian cafe and decided to have an espresso instead of my usual full-fat came with a little glass of water - what to do? Is it to wash the caffeine down? Is there something I don't know? It's killing me!

Allison said...

Mmmm . . . biscotti. I would rather have a double hit of the cookie than a double hit of the espresso.

Eleanor said...

That's strange, because I could swear you were with me last night at the Melbourne bloggers' dinner sipping on a tiny Lebanese coffee....

while I belly danced.

Anonymous said...

I was doing a bit of lazy only half attentive browsing, I was just about to give up (realising I was not really in the the mood for reading blogs) when I came across Yours. I just had to stop and say that despite the tears I shed when I read about your little furry loved one (my heart goes out to you. I lost my own dear one two years ago). I have thoroughly enjoyed my little read here. I have cried, I have smiled, I have laughed out loud. I will definitly be back for more.
Hope your weekend is Lovely

A time to dance said...

hillarious....but I am a double in a large cup wth a little jug of boiling water on the side...just in case it knocks even my socks off..

BreadBox said...

Stand your grounds!
Resist the pressure, no matter how steamed they get!
Far better to anticipate the pleasure of a second espresso than to regret having to leave half of a double....

Unknown said...

Alice, this made me shriek with laughter, your comic timing is always perfect.