Friday 27 March 2009

Top Secret and Confidential


Anonymous said...

Funny! When did you write this?????? It was hard to read the last sheet because I could not make it bigger by ckicking on it.

Hope all is well I have not heard from you in a while :)

Lynn said...

Dear Cynthia (can I call you Cyndi?): does it make you feel any better when I reveal that 99.9 percent of the books I listed at GR were ones I read in high school and college? Because all I read now are rose catalogs and the labels on homeopathic remedies for my catarrhal children.

Friends 4 Ever (and your handwriting is super cool!!!!!)

Anonymous said...

Hmmm. I don't know whether to ask you to be my friend or not, Cynthia.

Anonymous said...

If you wish to collect your childhood and adolescent books at any time to do the necessary revision we still have them stored here at the mill!

Gina said...

Come back Alice... don't go to Bhutan... we'll miss you!

Anonymous said...

Does this mean that I have to dust down my Mrs Beeton or Constance Spry ? Or my notes from the "Getting to Grips in the Kitchen" cookery course which I attended at about the same time as Fatal Attraction came out.

Bhutan sounds very vegetarian to me

kristina said...

I'm very relieved to know all those books on Lynn's list are from high school and college because my 40 were looking pretty slim compared to her 241!

And I think Alice suits you much better than Cynthia :)

K x

kristina said...

And please don't move to Bhutan...

K x

Allison said...

You are a riot, Alice. I mean Cynthia.

driftwood said...

Dear Cynthia, I so like having you as a friend. Your 0 books makes me feel so much better than the 6660 that other people have..... and I feel that you will be much less appalled by my reading of escapist "chick lit" books....

if you do go to Bhutan please can I come and visit occasionally.

dottycookie said...

Dear Cynthia, Now I know you're on Goodreads can I come and be your friend too? I do have some books listed, but I am slightly worried that people who like the books I have rated 1 star might track me down and bash me over the head with them till I say I really, really liked them ...

Anonymous said...

Dear Cynthia,
I have just visited "Good Reads", some people list, cookbooks, beading, aromatherapy, health & beauty, household etc. as their "reads".

No need to pack for Bhutan then.

Penny Blogs said...

Just cheat - most "big reads" have plot (and sometimes style) summaries on Wikipedia...

BreadBox said...

whether or not you read, you have lovely handwriting:-)


Ali said...

Cynthia, I have a travel guide to Bhutan that you could add to Goodreads before your final farewell....

Unknown said...

Oh Alice, you made me howl with laughter. I am all too familiar with your Goodreads concerns!

carrie said...

This is scary because we have almost identical handwriting!