Buy rhubarb
... or daffodils...
from farmers
who advertise with hand lettered signs.
adapted from
Life's Little Instruction Book
by H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
Buy rhubarb
who advertise with hand lettered signs.
adapted from
Life's Little Instruction Book
by H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
Do you know that I have never in my life had rhubarb. I wonder why. What are your plans for the rhubard?
I adore rhubarb.
And daffodils.
I quite agree - though I wouldn't know what to do with rhubarb either.
perhaps for pp and bb you could make a flower arrangement of rhubabarb and narcissi.
Those of you who have never tasted rhubarb haven't lived. I don't doubt that Mrs M will come up with some wonderful confection in which to use this most glorious commodity - but at Chez Bebbs it's gently stewed with strawberries, nestled under a sweet crunchy crumble topping and served hot with a good vanilla ice cream - mmmmmmmm!!!!! Although rhubarb fool sounds a good alternative, or maybe rhubarb and apple pie - oh decisions, decisions!
oh, that sounds lovely AnneB!
Perhaps this will be the year I get to grips with rhubarb. I have tried and tried and whatever I do with it, I just don't really like it. But we have it growing on the allotment now (we didn't plant it!) and I can't quite bring myself to just compost it ...
Rhubarb and broad beans have a lot in common I believe
I would buy all my flowers and veg from people who write their signs by hand, if there were more of those people around to buy from.............. I remember buying a bucket of Dahlias from our local iron mongers, they were obviously home grown, and they were ridiculously cheap. Sadly, the iron monger passed his business on to his son, and I don't think dahlias are on his agenda.
Love Vanessa xxx (do you mind if i knit)
I like these house rules--much more fun and cozy than "get your elbows off the table" and "no white shoes until after Easter."
Here in Missouri we use rhubarb as they do at Chez Bebbs. Strawberries and rhubarb in a cobbler. Tart and sweet together--oh, it is delicious!
That is good advice and that rhubarb is excellent value! Mine is still to small to eat and I just paid 3 times that for a smaller bunch in a supermarket.
I should add, my rhubarb is destined for crumble, I may add an apple, I may not. A dash of ginger and definitely custard.
Mmmm yes - I'd forgotten about THAT combination - rhubarb and ginger, yes please!
Can I say it loud enough ?Rhubarb crumble,rhubarb CRUMBLE, RHUBARB CRUMBLE...and custard. Not fancy made with real eggs and vanilla pods but from custard powder. Or buy it in a box ready made. I loved school dinner puddings. (Mains were another story at the convent. Nuns are very fond of mince and cabbage)
Mmmmm - rhubarb crumble and custard. Have a great weekend! x
Yes, I think that is a lovely rule.
Definitely. Although I'd have to skip the rhubarb, as we already have far too much on the plot. The plants are beginning to reach rather prehistoric-looking proportions! K x
I'd have wanted the entire stock of both.
Excellent rule!
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