Thursday 30 April 2009

Planning ahead

Mr and Mrs Ralph Izard by John Singleton Copley (1775)

MrM and MrsM have a free weekend ahead of them.
For the first time for years and years and years
they have no responsibilities at all.

We could just go...somewhere...




I don't just popped into my head...

What is there to do in Herefordshire?

I have no idea.

There must be something to do.

We can drink Westons cider.

Pass the phone.
I will book a hotel.


Anonymous said...

Sounds really fun! The cider looks yummy! Have a wonderful time!

trash said...

Aaaah (nods head). A truly cunning plan my lord.

Ali said...

Hooray the responsibility free weekend! Have fun.

driftwood said...

have a truly wonderfully relaxing time, you deserve it

Unknown said...

Go! - most definitely go! - it is the county that the world passes by and all the more beautiful and peaceful for that. Go to see the Mappa Mundi and the Chain Library in the cathedral in Hereford itself, the black and white house trail all around Leominster and a little further afield hop over to Hay on Wye, the town of bookshops. If ever there was a place to unwind you've hit on it - have a lovely, lovely time. Just the thing to recharge your batteries before your busy weeks ahead

Gina said...

Have a wonderful responsibilty free weekend drinking Cider!

walter and me said...

Anywhere you can drink Westons has to be good, it's one of my favourite tipples! Happy weekend, enjoy all that freedom.

dragonfly said...

Have a lovely time...

vanessa said...

That's what Hugo and I like to do, just go 'somewhere', see where it takes us. Just going out for a journey in the car is an exciting prospect.
Have a wonderful time!
Love vanessa xxx (do you mind if i knit)

M said...

To think I only have about 15 years to wait until I can do that. Have fun!

kristina said...

Must try this approach with G...

Hope you have a lovely time!

K x

Rhiannon said...

hurrah for cider drinking :D
Have fun

Anonymous said...

Sounds like Mr M's brain is going soft, giving in to female charm so easily.

RW said...

sounds like a lovely plan

The Coffee Lady said...

did it REALLY just 'pop' into your head?

blackbird said...

Can you feel my ENVY all the way over there?
(Boarding school, right?)

Unknown said...

A cider swilling weekend sounds rather good.

The domestic novice said...

How fabulous! Have a wonderful time consuming cider! x

Jackie said...

Have a lovely carefree time.
I now have 'no responsibilities at all' but don't have the heart to go away.
I am finding hope here.
Thank you.

monica said...

oh oh oh and there's a fantastic restaurant just there!!! can't remember the name, but it was our favourite treat when we used to live in Ledbury... and you can visit that gorgeous shop 'Tinsmith' in Ledbury too!!!

Go go go...

BreadBox said...

I am looking forward to those days fourteen years from now when LOML and I can have similar freedom:-)



Lucy@Attic24 said...

Are you really gonna go? Juts go, just like that??? I am green with envy if you are, I sometimes desperately miss those spontaneous days BC (Before Children)
Have a fantabuloso weekend my friend

Lynn said...

I like how Mr M's hairdo is the same color as his outfit. Sort of pigeonesque.