Sunday 14 December 2008

MasterM, Chocolatier

Why is MrsM photographing this small
(but very expensive)
box of chocolates?

Why is she enchanted by
the beautifully tied bow?

Why is she impressed by
the immaculate placement of the sticky label?

Why is she thrilled by
the careful packing of the chocolates?

Could it be...

because she knows the person who sold the chocolate?


Anonymous said...

I hope they provide all of their staff with expandable waist-bands under their fancy jackets. YUM!

Mary said...

I just knew he'd get it.

What a great bonus for you!

Anonymous said...

You lucky, lucky girl!

A time to dance said...

It's not Rowan Atkinson (Love necklace scene...where sneaky.. but gorgous Alan R tries to buy a necklace for his PA while dear dear wifie...Emma Thompson... buys mothers xmas pressies)..but there should be cinamon, a sprig of holly, and a flourish of lavender.......

driftwood said...

that job would be unbearable for me........... all that chocolate and none of it for me.....

trash said...

Oh my word! If I promised to the work just as fabulously as Master M is doing would I be allowed to work at my favourite place in his stead?

Unknown said...

the red tail coat is very fetching

Anonymous said...

Okay, I'm coming back to London right now, this very minute. That chocolate looks divine. I'll be buying a MUCH bigger box, though.

Congrats to Master M for having my dream job.

M said...

He ties bows? Fabulous. Bows and Tails. Gotta love England and her fancy shops, you really do.

Anonymous said...

Oh they look so yummy! do you get fringe benifits from his employment?

He looks fine in his coat :)

Anonymous said...

I am also loving the chocolate santas above his head. They look yummy too!

blackbird said...


RW said...

family discounts?

silverpebble said...

Lucky Master M - what a great job - one of the best shops in the world if you ask me. Fabulous - I hope he comes home with delicious discounted delights. Emma x

Gina said...

What a fabulous job!

Anonymous said...

He certainly gets around . . .

kristina said...

What amazing job! But how many jobs does Master M have now?! K x

Jackie said...

It will stand him in very good stead with the young ladies. A replacement for miss P (?) will be sure to be wowed /wooed by a young suitor who works in CHOCOLATE!

Anonymous said...

We still have five chocs left. MissM has showed me how to turn off the telltale click noise on the camera on my mobile which will be handy for the future.