Saturday 16 February 2008

It has been a long week.

Camellia japonica 'Marjorie Waldegrave'

Thank you for your kind thoughts yesterday.
The interview came and went.
I will know the result some time next week.

I have had a slight problem with Blogger...
the comments were not being notified to my AOL account
and were bouncing back to the writer.
(Thanks Breadbox for letting me know).
I have now sorted the issue with the comments, fingers crossed,
reading the Blogger help message board was a scary experience.
Did you know that blogs can just disappear?

I am thinking of going over to Typepad...
What do you reckon?

Welcome to the person who found ChezMagpie
by searching for
luminous pink bed socks

Have a great weekend!


Lina said...

Oh yes, come on over to Typepad. Actually I have no idea if it's better than blogger, but it's easier for me to post comments!!! Hope the interview was OK - that was pretty quick.

blackbird said...

I hope you don't switch - but have no particular reason to hope it...
I think the Typepad people complain equally, and I don't think that disappearing blog issue is as common as you'd fear.

Ali said...

Have a recharging weekend Alice.

And I find it easier to manage comments in Typepad than I did over at Blogger, but I don't like the photo loading and I get irritated by not having a 'search blog' facility either. So I'm on the fence. Horses for courses I guess.

RW said...

The interview came and went - that was so quick!

Joanne said...

As someone who just moved a whole blog from one thing to another (Wordpress - I'm self hosted) I have to say that the process is not as scary as you might think, but my reasons for doing it had much to do with ease of use and functionality for me.

Comments are less faffy for readers in typepad for sure, simply because Blogger forgets who I am all the time.

But I'd say that unless you're unhappy with using blogger there's no reason to move.

(There are very longwinded instructions about exporting your blog as a backup here:
- I'm a bit surprised there's no easier way.)

Fingers crossed for the interview results

Anonymous said...

Can't really comment on Blogger V Typepad as I've only ever been with Typepad. But can say that Typepad is very simple to use, much easier to comment on, and if you do ever have a problem they have a really brilliantly helpful team to assist.

Anonymous said...

Can't really comment on Blogger V Typepad as I've only ever been with Typepad. But can say that Typepad is very simple to use, much easier to comment on, and if you do ever have a problem they have a really brilliantly helpful team to assist.

dottycookie said...

Will wait with bated breath to hear the results of your interview.

I may be a lone voice of dissent, and it may just be me but ... I find I frequently forget that typepad blogs often have the word verification in a separate window. More than once I have closed a tab without typing the verification and then decided I couldn't be bothered to type my comment in all over again. That may be just me being unusually lazy though. Or having far too many tabs open at once (currently 11 - good grief).

But I think blogger's pretty rubbish in some respects too (don't ever try mailing blogger help - no help at all IME). I guess you get what you pay for ;-)

tess said...

I did wonder why my comment came back to my email address, thought it was something I'd done wrong....
I wish blogger was easier to reply to comments sometimes, but as I'm never going to understand html or any of that complicated stuff most of the functions are lost on me anyway....