We went in search of parsnips but there were none.
We found beet, red carrots and blackberries
all beautifully displayed against white lace paper.
The anonymous gardener
has balanced size, colour and form
with the delight of an artist.
It is a reminder that beauty can be found anywhere
and that the most insignificant parts of our lives
can bring pleasure when given our full attention.

all beautifully displayed against white lace paper.
has balanced size, colour and form
can bring pleasure when given our full attention.
ah, but art and such things in life are closely entwined...
So lovely in so many ways.
I once painted a still life of those very beans!
I love beetroot, passionately. I love the shape and the smell and the taste of it raw, roasted or whatever way.
Now, i am compelled to go off to the juice bar: watermelon, pineapple, orange, ginger and beetroot. To die for.
I count on you to bring these small things to my attention. To remind me.
They look like impressionist beans.
Good title Alice - I first read that book when I was about 17 and I can list it as one of the very few that actually changed the way I lived my life.
But I guess vegetable growers knew it already.
Such beauty in the simple things in life.
Gosh those vegetables are all so, so, so beautifully displayed...very polite. Normally vegetable competitions have so much oportunity for rudenss and misinterpretation (in the wrong eyes). x
My favourite is always the longest runner bean competition. But then I always was uncultured.
I'm not allowed to look at vegetable and fruit competetions because I always, always giggle, and it is very rude to do so. I usually take myself off to the flower arranging.
such delicious photos - and such a timely reminder..
A real feast for the eyes (and tum!). I especially like those (borlotti?) beans,
Beautiful words! Who know veggies could teach us something!
Thank you for the reminder that the insignificant, if given care and attention becomes so much more.
I was wondering why we'd been selling so many white doilies in the shop lately. Now I see why! K x
Such lovely vegetables! Though they can look terribly wilted after a while (they always have vegetable competitions at the fairs here, and after the first day they begin to look rather sad).
Excellent shots especially the beans.
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