Friday 13 February 2009

Panic Stations

You know that feeling...

the one where you know how much you have to do
and how long it will take
and you know how much time you have to do it in
and the time that you have
is much less
than the time that you need.

And for quite a long time
you just ignore the implications
of this horrible equation.

It is the fingers in the ears scenario.

And then, one day,
your chickens come home to roost

(or, in my case, MissM comes home for half term)

and the list of things that I was going to do
before she arrived
seems to be as long as it was two weeks ago.

Which is why I am sitting here,
admiring pictures of 16th Century Turkish ceramics,
that I bought in Paris.

There is nothing that you can teach me


Anonymous said...

the project mgmt term for this is groundrush I believe where there is a sudden transformation to surveying the world below under the canoply of a fully deployed parachute and then the ground rushes up to meet one.

Of course I never ever have this sensation unless it is after midnight and I am trying to get things ready for presentation the following day and need some distraction ...

Christy said...

Those dishes are incredible.

Allison said...

As I am reading this post about procrastinating I am procrastinating myself, although perhaps it is not so much the putting off of things as it is the enjoyment of others.

Fairlie - said...

I sooooo know that equation. And that term "groundrush" describes it exactly!

Mary said...

I know that equation too.

And adore the term groundrush.

In fact Groundrush Day would be the name of my movie!

Attic24 said...

oh I am there with you every day. Every day is Groundrush day for me. My whole life feels like that. I quite like it that way after living it for so long.

dragonfly said...

It's my middle name...

Unknown said...

Do you suppose if I used the same technique on my Year End pile of 'to-do' stuff I'd get away with it?

tess said...

if we only we could attatch that list of things to do to MrM's parachute, and watch that come rushing towards the ground.

if you're going to proscrastinate I think it's best to do it in style, those dishes are a delight.

Anonymous said...

I am reading your post whilst I should be off doing other things. I think my alter ego is Little Miss Procrastination.

When I have lots to do and a time limit I do a list, then when I cross things off at least I feel I have achieved something. The trouble is I usually only manage to delete half the list!

Will I ever change? I don't think so.

The Coffee Lady said...

oh good lord

I have so much to do

Anonymous said...

I do it all the time. I hit panic stage and then I get to the point where I just don't care anymore. It is more fun to do what you want :)

I hope MissM has a wonderful break.

pve design said...

Odd, how each pattern pulled me away from my list of to do's and the shear thought that I only have a few wee hours in which to master my long list.
Oh dear, panic does motivate me.
Thanks for the side-track.

trash said...

Hurrah! finally someone is going to make the movie 'Groundrush Day'!

B.M.M.? I shall be first in the queue at the cimena if I ever manage to cross 'buying tickets' off my list ;-)

sewprimitive karen said...

A riotous post with gorgeous images; I feel like this right now sans the 16th c. home decor :-).

Anonymous said...

But, they are really great pictures. (I admire them while ignoring the fact that the Christmas boxes are still in the living room and I am late for work.) But this weekend, I'm going to get so much done --
Also, it seems like I used to be able to stay up very very late getting things done, and now I just can't. I seem to have exhausted my capacity for panic.

Jackie said...

May I direct you to my latest blog post?
(Which I now know should have been called groundrush)

Anonymous said...

I can entirely relate. Oh well.

Wonderful tiles.

blackbird said...

They *are* very lovely, though...I may have to google them to learn more...I wouldn't want to have to focus on the fact that there's no dinner and the laundry is in a pile...

Anonymous said...

If distraction is required then I think the designs of your ceramics are the perfect answer.

Leciawp said...

I assumed once my children got older there would be plenty of time to do everything and more. I find it a wee bit depressing to find out otherwise. You have a lovely blog - thanks so much for visiting mine! Happy Valentine's Day to you and yours.

RW said...

I am the Master Procrastinator.

silverpebble said...

The subject of your displacement activity is very pretty indeed. Hope full blown panic was averted!