Thursday 7 February 2008

A Frozen Moment

I don't feel like writing this morning.
There are lots of things that I want to write about
but either I can't find the right photograph
or the topic is not appropriate.
Today I will make plans and write lists
and my brain will gradually relax.
Tomorrow, half term begins.


dottycookie said...

I haven't got the energy to write today either; today is the last day of school for us too, and the house already looks like a bomb's hit it.

Mary said...

My problem at the moment is that whilst I feel in my bones I have nothing earth shatteringly meaningful to write I am writing anyway and boy the flibberty gibbet stuff that is being written!

blackbird said...

It's somewhat fun watching you go through the various stages that new bloggers go through.

I don't feel much like writing today either.

Anonymous said...

I am completely inexperienced in these matters, so excuse my ignorant question, but - is that frost on grass or a furry plant?

Ali said...

We've got another week to go until half term. Somehow not having the right thing to say doesn't stop me from blathering on. Enjoy your lists - hope they are soothing.

tess said...

you sound a bit frazzled Alice, take some time for yourself. hope the list writing makes you feel better, and not overwhelmed by the impossible number of things on the list - which is what tends to happen to me........

Florence Knapp (Flossie Teacakes) said...

I can relate to those feelings - it's so frustrating not to have the perfect photo - yet, yours is beautiful, even if it doesn't reflect the words you might have wanted to say.

Lucky you having half-term so soon....ours isn't for ages yet! x

carrie said...

Brrrrrrr. . .