Wednesday 18 June 2008

MrM, Sous-Chef

MrM is preparing strawberries for Sunday lunch.

I have done these strawberries EXTREMELY well.
I think I could get into
the whole food preparation thing.

Doubtful silence from MrsM

I could probably manage carrots.

Are you mad?
You would need to use the potato peeler.

Don't you think I could manage a peeler yet?
What do you think I could do?



To be fair, he is not bad at oranges...


Anonymous said...

Those strawberries look wonderful.

blackbird said...

Don't you mock him!
I am always smug about my work with peeling and preparing and am QUITE SURE that I'd be a highly admired sous.

Mary said...

That photo of the strawberries may equal the paeonies!

BreadBox said...

Send him on a knife training course, so that he can help you on a regular basis.... knife skills are not *that* hard to learn, and he could still feel a steely macho-ness about it:-) I jest, of course, Mr M, I jest.....


Allison said...

Love the pun in Breadbox's comment--"steely macho-ness" very funny. Those strawberries look so yummy!

kristina said...

I can completely relate to this. G's attempts at banana slicing are surprisingly scary :) K x

dottycookie said...

Yum to the strawberries. And what is it with men and spud peelers? R looks so uncomfortable with his hand wrapped in tissue to prevent blisters that I have to grab potatoes and peeler and do it myself. Hmmmm, perhaps that's his intention ...

walter and me said...

Priceless! But the strawberries do look perfect...even if bananas and carrots wouldn't...

Anonymous said...

Assuming that you all want to live as fruitarians you should let Mr M prepare all of the meals.

Gina said...

Mr M obviously has the same cooking skills as Mr Fan My Flame! Great strawberries Mr M!

Anonymous said...

I am seasonal specialist really - Brussel sprouts at Christmas with cross markings on the base.

Should be sprouts today of course as it is the anniversary of the Battle of Waterloo.

Cue MrsM saying "Have I ever told you that the description of the BoW in Georgette Heyer's "Infamous Army" has been held as a classic account of the battle" ...

She'll be trying to explain the off-side law next I think. It would be handy as I am not sure that I understand it completely myself but could never own up to that.

Fairlie - said...

The ability to prepare fruit is an invaluable skill.