Sunday 15 June 2008

Unexpected Gifts

The Lovely MissE has returned from her travels
with surprise gifts squeezed into her rucksack.

There is coffee and chocolate for MrM from Costa Rica;
fabulous tie-dyed fabrics from Thailand

and jewellery from Fiji for MrsM and MissM.

The best gift of all is the knowledge
that the Lovely MissE is safely home
with wonderful memories from exotic places
and enough photos to last a lifetime.


Anonymous said...

How lovely. Great news about the gifts - and the safe return.

Fairlie - said...

Great gifts! (MMmmmmm...Costa Rican coffee...)

Glad that MissE has returned safely.

blackbird said...

I'm so glad she's back!

What wonderful things she brought you must be very dear to her.

BreadBox said...

And for MasterM, there is her safe return.
And I assume some prezzies too --- no?

I'm sure that you are all delighted she's back:-) I hope she'll share a few of her adventures on your blog for us!


Anonymous said...

She has travelled a very long way!

Ali said...

And one delighted MasterM I'm sure!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful gifts. I am sure she has had a grand adventure!

Gina said...

Lovely gifts ... especially with the knowledge of a safe return and happy trip.

dottycookie said...

I'm glad she's back safely - MasterM must be over the moon!

Mary said...

Dottycookie has nailed exactly what I wanted to say.

I actually exhaled when i read she had safely returned!