Wednesday 18 June 2008

MrM, SuperDad

There is only one person in ChezMagpie
who can help MissM prepare for her Ancient Greek exam
and it is not MrsM.

In our family we divide labour according to ability:
MrM can scan Homer
and MrsM can chop carrots.

So that is what we do.


MissM has just phoned to say
that she has finished her 21st and last exam.
Party poppers and hugs all round.


Anonymous said...

I can't help my kids with math. That' Daddy's job.
yippy for exams being over!

Anonymous said...

Actually I think you'll find that it was 24 exams... But I'm still glad they're over!

Anonymous said...

Quadruple hexameters then !

"In bocca al lupo !" as they say in Italy

RW said...

Really - so many exams. At what age are they writing all these exams? And ancient greek - in "highschool" that is incredible - good on you!

We too have a division of labour and homework tasks - I am the french "go to person".

blackbird said...

Middle sat for the FIRST three hours of his English exam this morning and will do the SECOND three hours tomorrow.

kristina said...

24 exams--incredible! Big congratulations to Miss M (even though she doesn't actually know me) on her amazing endurance! K x

Anonymous said...

I have thought on this a little more and whilst I cannot claim to be renaissance man by any stretch, stone age man seems a tad harsh. Averaging it out would almost make me bronze age man which fits in well on the Homer front

Gina said...

Strawberry preparation and Ancient Greek - is there no end to the man's talents! Fantastic achievement Miss M... Hooray!

dottycookie said...

Oh, well done MissM! But 24 exams?! Good grief. GOOD GRIEF!

Unknown said...

Well done Miss M - Sarah only has physics (yeuchhhh!) to go tomorrow and then summer begins in this house too - who'd be 16 again? not me!

Anonymous said...

24 exams! That is completely outrageous, close to the definition torture, I would suggest.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations and well done. Good things to come!

BreadBox said...

Good on you, SuperDad! Exemplary behaviour! And I do hope that preliminary congratulations to MissM are in order...