Tuesday 26 August 2008

...but Beijing was behind schedule...

An afternoon at the local agricultural show
is not a high stress activity.

You can admire the livestock,

be shocked at the low standard of baking entries,

eat a burger while watching Punch & Judy.

There are so many attractions that it is difficult
to know which way to turn.

A falconry display, a medieval stunt team
and the Centre piece of the Arena events:
the raising of the Olympic Flag synchronised with Beijing.

It can be very exhausting for a Lady Mayor.

Just when you think that you have seen everything
here is something to make you smile.

We will talk vegetables tomorrow.

p.s. half of these photos were taken with a mobile phone.


Lynn said...

Ah, the pig embrace, the cautionary signs about arrows, the seriously stylin' hairdos on those little boys...Thanks for the much-needed stress relief.

dragonfly said...

Hee hee! Cute piggies though!

carrie said...

Oh . . . piglets are always my favorite!

Ali said...

Each year, I look at the entries from the village show and vow to enter. Perhaps this time...

Anonymous said...

So much to see - we'll definitely be back next year provided we are not on holiday.

As a Pooh bear type I waas disappointed that there was not a pot of honey to be had anywhere at all. Chutney and jam galore though. However, a pair of Piglets was some compensation. I am sure that one is called Percy.

kristina said...

Can I come next year?! This looks wonderful. What adorable piglets! And nothing like a little arrow dodging to keep in shape. But so sorry about the honey :( K x

Gina said...

We missed our local show yesterday but seeing your pictures made up for it. Love those piglets!

Anonymous said...

on second thoughts the two little piggies must be called Pinky & Perky.

Takes me back to the days of Camberwick Green and Trumpton ...

Anonymous said...

It all looks so very exotic to those of us thousands of kilometres away.

Unknown said...

those piggies are soooo cute!

Anonymous said...

Your fair looks so much more quaint than ours was. So wonderful,so British!

I personally love the piglets too!
But No hunny?!!!

Anonymous said...

oh the shame of the shop bought baps !!

Michaela said...

Having been away I'm just catching up on blog reading - the E H Shepherd pictures from a few days ago made me smile. Your style reminds me even more of A A Milne now! Those blackberry cakes look wonderful, did you really only stop at 1?!

dottycookie said...

"These are not hand made" - oh, for shame! She'll have to leave the village now.

Our village show is next week. I may enter a handicraft class or two but there is No Way I am going in for competitive baking ...

Anonymous said...

Ahhh...those piggies are so much cuter than the pets we currently have at home.....!

BreadBox said...

NotNot Breadbox says:
Storebought baps? An abomination!
I shall not appear on the same page.
Oops. I just have.
