Friday 24 October 2008

Just for the Record...

1. A blackbird watches me on my way to work,
beak as bright as the Pyracantha berries it is eating.

2. A tall young man in full Goth regalia
clanks in front of me.
I wonder if he polishes all those chains.

3. Two magpies are taking a bath in the pool of water
on the flat roof outside my office.
Such busy splashing makes me smile.

4. The Solanum plant on my windowsill is growing!
There are new flowers!

5. The President of the Student society
bursts into my office,
her blonde hair glowing under her red cable beret.
She is adorable.

6. A colleague who will be in Morocco next week
promises to bring me something small from the local souk.
He beams with energy and enthusiasm about his work.

7. I meet a student from my old Department
and hear his plans for the weekend...
he will be singing in Westminster Abbey.

8. On my way home the aroma of Chinese takeaway
drifts from the student halls.

9. Here are two students wearing cycle helmets,
completely encased in bubble wrap.
It would appear that they are doing
downhill racing on office swivel chairs.

10. I feel guilty about the fact that I am not always able
to read my friends' blogs during the week
but I know that I will have some time this weekend.

11. I am hoping to persuade MrM to take me
to a Japanese restaurant this weekend.

12. This is the first Friday evening
that I have not felt ill with exhaustion.


Mary said...

That was like a long poem ....

I was part of your day.

trash said...

Hurrah for number 12!

Looking forward to details on number 6.

Number nine? I shall carry this image with me for the rest of the night.

Anonymous said...

Here's to a recuperative weekend. (I know what you mean.)

Fairlie - said...

Oh, thank you Alice C! You have found so many things that made you smile today. And now I'm smiling too. Encased in bubble wrap? Really?

Anonymous said...

Hope you have a relaxing weekend!

Lynn said...

No. 9 reminds me of the time my very proper and dignified pastor husband and I (newlyweds at the time) decided to go for a wheelchair ride down a steep ramp at church -- after hours, of course. It was disastrous (which we deserved) -- could have used that bubble wrap for sure. (Hooray for the lack of total exhaustion, by the way. But methinks you need a good massage therapist anyway...)

Limecat said...

MrsM, I'm appalled that you're feeling ill from exhaustion. I know this all too well.

Please to be putting your feet up this weekend thank you very much, and getting lovely MrM to give you mint juleps (ok, it's probably not very seasonal, so maybe something mulled, or cinnamony) and scones or something equally comforting.

That is an ORDER.

M said...

My kids were recently terrified when a car-load of students in full Goth regalia pulled faces and made interesting hand gestures at them when we were driving through the student haven that is Newtown, Sydney.

They haven't quite recovered.

I assured them they will see that and much more if they go there to study.

Anonymous said...

The world is an interesting place when you remember to take a moment to observe it.

Christy said...

What an awesome post!!! I am so glad that your Friday went well!

dragonfly said...

You have such a wonderful eye for detail.
I'm with you on number 10 and I do like the sound of a red cable beret!

Gina said...

Have a wonderful relaxed weekend.

kristina said...

I'm so glad you're settling in and not feeling so exhausted. Love the office swivel chair racing--you don't see that in Teddington! K x

driftwood said...

I hope you have a lovely relaxing weekend.

blackbird said...

Parallel lives!
We are leading parallel lives!

(including the Japanese food tonight)

walter and me said...

What blissful happenings and observations Chez Magpie. Have a peaceful and restful weekend, MrsM.
D x

Anonymous said...

MrM has item 11 in hand you will be pleased to hear.

O tempura, o mores !

Anonymous said...

Nothing escapes your notice, Alice.

For that we are all lucky.

PS- Here in Germany, they call the magpie der Atzel: the thief.

Anonymous said...

I love it! I'm going to race office chairs downhill, wrapped in bubble wrap. What better way to spend an afternoon?!

Anonymous said...


RW said...

I love to read your observations.

I wish for you a quiet, restful weekend full of delight.

fifi said...

I am certainly glad you are not ill with exhaustion.

I am going to suggest to my students that they find some bubble wrap and some chairs and get to it. They are such a boring lot.

I loved your day.

dottycookie said...

Lovely list, Alice. I hope you'll be able to add calm and relaxation to it very soon.

Love the novel use of bubble wrap. I used some to lag the outlet to the school swimming pool this week ...