...[I] was swimming in the river with caimans and piranhas
(I am not joking at all!!),
there were caiman literally 2 metres away from us
and it was fine...
until this giant otter came swimming over
and our guide who was very relaxed
suddenly wanted us to get out of the water
because apparently they DO attack you!
I checked out pictures of the Giant Otter
and it looks pretty scary!
Those teeth!!
Yeah it is scary
and also big.
(hence the name Giant...)
MrsM remembers that she was worried about bull-running.
She hadn't even considered Giant Otters.
Note to self - check insurance cover in the morning for giant otter damage. MasterM was claiming that it was 'otter than 'ell in Brazil and he could not eat his ice lolly quickly enough. Some folk will find something to carp about wherever they are
NONE of this is good for my nerves.
Blimey! Move over Tarka.
I've seen many an otter, but had never even *heard* of a Giant Otter.
Good gracious!
Otters? Those cute, playful things?? Who would have thunk it! (MrM, you're making me chortle...)
Otters? good grief - who knew we had to worry about those???
That just freaks me out.
Freaky Giant Otters.
That sounds like a joke: Dangerous Giant Otter.....
Those aren't teeth, they're FANGS.
Keep away from those 'fierce pointy teeth' (she says in a poor imitation of a Billy Connolly accent)
Not sure why you are all sounding so panicked. He is simply a very groovey otter getting his 'soul' on during an intense karaoke session, is all.
I would have got out becuase of the piranhas and therefore have been quite safe from the otters, Master M is braver than me.......
MasterM doesn't seem to realise how these communications will make his mother (and her friends!) worry!!!!!
I adore otters but not sure I'd fancy swimming with them even though they aren't exactly maneaters they are territorial. And as for pirana - well I probably saw too many of "those" eaten by pirana type films in my formative years.
Goodness, I had no idea such a thing existed, I wonder what other giant species he might meet over there?
Thank GOD those giant sloths are extinct...whew!
being attacked by an otter would be a good story, though
The otter looks just about as scary as a man eating bunny with huge fangs. I am thinking I would not even be in the water with pirana around. I like my toes to much :)
MrM you crack me up!
Lordy! What other dangers may be encountered in the guise of cuteness? I once read a book written from a baby's eye view which put forward the idea that soft toys in the shape of crocodiles might not be such a good idea, incase one day as an adult it might be understood that the real things are quite cuddly! xx
That is a very scary looking otter! At least Master M survived to tell the tale.
Oh dear -- so many things to worry about, including things you've never even suspected existed. I feel your pain.
Well, if I had to live on fish the whole time I might try to take a nip out of a passing tourist or two as well. I trust giant wild tourist eating otters smell rather better than the ones in the Otter Sanctuary - eeeeeew. (Sorry to lower the tone, as usual ;-)
your children are the reasons why mine will NEVER be let out of here...
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