Monday 28 April 2008

And there was light...

I think that I may have been through
a mid-life conversion experience.

I have always enjoyed knitting quite complex patterns
- preferably ones with a traditional or historical angle -
However, there are only so many
Breton guernseys or Aran sweaters
that one loyal husband can wear.

I have now discovered that my future is in lace.

When I was last in Loop I bought a wonderful book
Victorian Lace Today by Jane Sowerby
which gives details of original Victorian patterns for lace
and cleverly converts them into scarves and wraps.

It has been a joy to knit my first scarf
and having discovered that
the pattern was indeed Easy as described
I have made plans to move to
Intermediate lace for my next project.

This scarf is knit in Rowan kidsilk haze
which is so fine that it has only taken one and a half balls.
The mohair/silk mix makes a wonderful scarf
but the detail of the lace is lost.
I really wanted to make the next project in 2 ply silk
but it proved very difficult to find a source
and I had given up and bought
some luscious purple kidsilk haze.

In a serendipitous moment Ali asked about tussah
and I discovered the mouthwatering Aurora Silk
which sells hand-dyed silk in fifty colours

The only problem is deciding which colour.


blackbird said...

Any and all rejects (can't see the lace properly) can be sent directly to me.

Mary said...

There's a bit of comfort for me right there in those luscious photos.

I'm going to check out The Knittery for you - an Australian online wool shop that may do the sort of wool/silk you are after.

Fairlie - said...

That looks lovely - and fun to knit. But does the fuzzy stuff drive you crazy while you're knitting?

Anonymous said...

Ho pretty is that???? Gorgeous. The only thing I can knit is my brow.

dragonfly said...

How on earth are you going to be able to choose one colour - or even two - from that divine palette? Gorgeous, just gorgeous.

driftwood said...

oooh, they look gorgeous. as for choosing a colour - all of them!

Joanne said...

Those pictures are lovely, Alice. This is why I leave the knitting to those much more capable.

Ali said...

In a weird kind of circular serendipity, two balls of Kidsilk Haze made it into my shopping bag this weekend. I'm steeling myself for lace entry. Although I suspect that in my case, loosing the detail of the pattern might be advantageous in covering up mistakes.

Your scarf has just the wisp like featherlight qualities I'm hoping to achieve.

dottycookie said...

Wooorh, yummy. I have never been lured into lace knitting but I can see myself trying it with some of that gorgeous wool. And to think I promised hubby I wouldn't go mad with the credit card in Loop. Oh dear, what was I thinking?

Anonymous said...

The last photo is simply exquisite.

Anonymous said...

I really want to learn to knit this year.

You have inspired me. So beautiful!

It shall be done.

Unknown said...

Don't bother to choose a colour - have 'em all, after all a girl can never have too many scarves :o))))

Latharia said...

Oh my goodness! Your work is breathtaking!

Amy A. said...


Anonymous said...

beauty is only skein deep of course

Suse said...

I have been feeling the lure of lace this year too. Might just cast on ...