Tuesday 8 April 2008

Off Gallivanting

Plan A
Volcanoes, sunshine and cassata.

Plan B
Scenic tour of Terminal 5, Fish & Chips and ironing.

It all depends on

Back next week.


Melody said...

Half your luck. Hope all goes smoothly...

blackbird said...


And if you happen into any cathedrals, light me a candle.
I always light a candle when I'm visiting a cathedral.

Ginnie said...

We'll miss you! Have a wonderful time. And don't fall off the edge of the earth - that map looks like one of those the-world-is-flat ones.

tess said...

hope you have a really lovely trip, and see more than airports.......

Anonymous said...

Have a ball.

Anonymous said...

Oh, have fun. Enjoy!

Anonymous said...

Ah, volcanoes, sunshine, cassata. Maybe you could take me with you?

BreadBox said...

Have a lovely time at Terminal 5.
I hear that the accomodations are ---- spacious ---- with expansive views this time of year.
If you reach Italy, have an even better time!


carrie said...

Have fun!

Anonymous said...

Andiamo. Arrivederci !

Fairlie - www.feetonforeignlands.com said...

Gosh, I hope it was Plan A.


Tracy said...

Have a grand time...can't wait to see which plan you went with! ((HUGS))

Anonymous said...

Have a wonderful time.