MissM tells us that some of her friends
have NEVER seen Swiss Family Robinson!!
This causes consternation
around the dining room table.
"I tried to tell them about the treehouse
and coconut bombs and the tiger traps
but they just laughed.
And when I mentioned the ostrich race
where the monkey rides on the ostrich
nobody believed me."
We all nod gravely - such ignorance is shocking.
"And then there was that whole Fritz/Hans/Roberta thing
- although I can't remember
whether it was Fritz or Hans who got Roberta
after the duel over the straw hat.
I know that the other one left
with the Roberta's grandfather
who was saved from the piratey people."
MrsM gently suggests that
MissM might have watched
Swiss Family Robinson
472 times more than the average child.
MissM looks sad as she concedes
that not everybody has has the advantages
that she has had as a child.
have NEVER seen Swiss Family Robinson!!
This causes consternation
around the dining room table.

and coconut bombs and the tiger traps
but they just laughed.
And when I mentioned the ostrich race
where the monkey rides on the ostrich
nobody believed me."
We all nod gravely - such ignorance is shocking.

- although I can't remember
whether it was Fritz or Hans who got Roberta
after the duel over the straw hat.
I know that the other one left
with the Roberta's grandfather
who was saved from the piratey people."

MissM might have watched
Swiss Family Robinson
472 times more than the average child.
MissM looks sad as she concedes
that not everybody has has the advantages
that she has had as a child.
Fritz wins Hans down.
Or the importance of being Ernst (thank you Wikipedia)
Similarly I am always shocked when people tell me they have not read
"My Family and other Animals."
I'm afraid I'm one of the ignorant ones. I better add it to my Lovefilm list straight away! K x
Isn't it funny how families have their own favourites and traditions and it seems so strange to hear from other people that they didn't do the same - I'm ashamed to say I can't remember if I've seen Swiss Family Robinson either although I guess I must have one winters afternoon in front of the tv before gathering round the table for boiled eggs and tinned fruit with carnation milk. The pictures do seem familiar - those were the days. Great result against Wasps yesterday (VBG)
Not enjoyed the animals in the race? Unthinkable!
Perhaps other households have their own Swiss Family Robinson...some children can quote long passages of Star Wars, for example.
While I don't know that I've ever watched the Swiss Family Robinson movie, I did spend my childhood watching Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory approximately 472times.
As a child, I was obsessed with the idea of living in that chocolate factory--where the goal for each day would be to eat as much candy as possible.
I don't know that I've ever outgrown the hope that some day it might actually happen...
It's good to have dreams.
shocking. simply shocking. hope this does not leave miss m scarred for life.
Hmmm yes, it can come as quite a shock when one discovers that others haven't had quite the same influences as oneself. My children are always quite aghast.
I LOVED SFR! Every time I see one of those lavish coffee-table books about tree houses, I get all dreamy-eyed, remembering my fantasies about living in one. Thanks for reminding me -- must go and rent it to share with Big Lad, along with the obligatory Sound of Music.
Ooooh, the little Lockets have never seen that either and I can't remember it clearly! I also realised yesterday that they've never seen Mrs Doubtfire (clearly not such a classic as SFR but still rather good). I discovered this gap in their tele-visual education when I ran away to my next-door neighbours for half an hour of child-free sanity to find them watching it! Lucy x
I should confess to not having seen it either...or I may just have a shocking memory.
I'm proud to admit though, that I've never seen The Sound of Music and don't ever intend to!
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