Monday 24 December 2007

Christmas Eve

Outside the air is cold and still.

MrM and MissM have done their last minute shopping.
MasterM has returned from his travels.

The spicy smell of red cabbage fills the kitchen.

There are boxes of chocolates,
trays of clementines and a bowl of nuts.
All special treats for Christmas feasts.

And now, somehow, we have to persuade
MasterM (18) and MissM (16) to go to bed.

Father Christmas
won't be visiting


blackbird said...

Our boys rushed off to bed after church:
Middle stayed up until 3.
Oldest slept from 9 till 5.
And Youngest slept from 9 till 11 and was up for the duration.
At 5:45 he knocked on the floor, signaling his brothers and the jig, as they say, WAS UP.

I hope you had a merry.

tess said...

beautiful photos Alice!
the preparations sound magical!

dottycookie said...

We took ours to the church next door for the Carol Service. They just about stayed awake through the service then sparked out within 20 minutes of returning home. Result!