Tuesday 4 December 2007

Christmas Shopping

I know that all of you are looking for ideas.
Something a little out of the ordinary.
So I thought that I would share
my secret mail order catalogue.

There is something for everyone




Treats for the bathroom

Makeover packages

Alternative Therapy

Even people who prefer homemade gifts
will find something

There is also advice on coping with housework
At this busy time of year

And a turkey recipe for emergencies.


Anonymous said...

A cure for fat people in a pill! At the moment the cure is advertised by lots of companies as being available in a shake.


tess said...


carrie said...

I certainly could have used those turkey tips on Thanksgiving! Next year, it's someone else's turn.

Tracy said...

Absolutely brilliant! ((HUGS))

blackbird said...

I hardly ever get to use the word 'tureen.'
I'm going to throw it around a little today and think of you...

Anonymous said...

I started work 25 years at 70 Finsbury Pavement - alas no sight of the Trilene Company.

dottycookie said...

Dear Sir or Madam,

Please send a course of Trilene tablets by return post. I enclose a postal order.

Best wishes,

She who has been out today for the first of many Christmas lunches