Wednesday 21 November 2007

Sue Gee

Sue Gee - how do I love thee?
Let me count the ways.

1.You write a book with a ravishing title
that leaps off a bookshelf and into my hands.
Who could resist 'The Mysteries of Glass' ?

2. You describe the Herefordshire countryside in a way
that makes me almost renounce my Cornish heritage.

3. The principal characters are agonisingly well drawn.
As they meet I want to reach out and prevent the catastrophe.

4. My head aches with the complexity of the dilemma as I read.

5. I immediately return to the bookshop for more.
I find 'The Hours of the Night' and am not disappointed.

Philipa Gregory agrees with me.

6. Now I am reduced to searching
through second hand bookshops for the backlist.
I find ' Keeping Secrets' in a strange shop
in the back streets of Sligo
with a scary amount of 'Dungeons and Dragons' manuals.

It is the earliest of your books
but has the compassionate insight into relationships
that characterises your later writing.

7. A new book 'Reading in Bed' has just been released.
I want it for Christmas.
MrM - are you listening?


Anonymous said...

I can thoroughly recommend "The Last Guests of the Season". I loved reading this book and could well become a Sue Gee groupie!

Mary said...

I am hoping that these are not detective novels. I am off to look at Amazon.

I am loving those beautiful photos from your previous post.

Mary said...

Just ordered Mysteries of Glass and Earth and Heaven from Book Depository!

Anonymous said...

I always think that the public library system is one of the marks of a civilised society, particularly the ability to reserve things on line.

Frozen peas starting to sound quite warm to me ...

tess said...

they sound lovely, and on Mr M's advise I shall check the library!

loved your photos yesterday, they were amazing, you made a wet day feel special, thankyou!

Anonymous said...

I'll be adding this author to my reading/library list...thanks for the reading tips! Happy days ((HUGS))

dottycookie said...

Well, if you and Philippa both recommend her, I shall add her to my "must read" list.

I think the library bus comes this week. Hmmmm.

Anonymous said...

What a beautifully eloquent review of Sue Gee's books. It has absolutely made me want to read her books, so I'm off to Amazon....... Thankyou for the recommendation.

carrie said...

Oooooh, I too, love a good read!

MoominMama said...

What were you doing in Sligo? That is where my father is (was) from?

I am concerned for you.