Tuesday 17 July 2007


I love fuschias
because they remind me of the gardens of my childhood

but fuschias love warm, wet conditions

so this year I didn't plant very many

because of Global Warming.

Which was a mistake.


Anonymous said...

Lovely fuschias! I planted a fuschia this year, it's doing well. Hope you'll be able to enjoy some of these flowers next year! :o)

blackbird said...

How did I miss all these posts?

There were huge beautiful fushia plants at the inn where we had our honeymoon...

BreadBox said...

Those really are rather beautiful pictures!


ginny said...

Fuschias also remind me of my childhood as my uncle Jack grew them.. greenhouses full of them.. i always loved looking at all the diff colours and varieties and thought they were like ballerinas. Thanks for the memory.

dottycookie said...

Love the lovely fuchsias. I'm planning a trip to the garden centre to find a couple for some newly vacated pots in the garden.