Sunday 27 January 2008

Out and About in Blogland

There is an administrative backlog
here at ChezMagpie.

I have very belated thanks to make,
new friends to mention,
Good News to draw to your attention,
A plea from the heart,
and a message for Domesticali.

No time to waste.

Belated Thanks

for the most generous awarding of Awards.
Too kind of y'all.
I know that I must reveal much weirdness in return
and that will follow tomorrow.

New Friends

Ginnie has been leaving lovely comments for some time
but now she has taken the plunge and started her own blog
It has been a great privilege
learning about the challenges that she faces.
Welcome, Ginnie!

I have so enjoyed reading flossie teacakes
and this post about Haiku
was sheer delight.
Thank you, Florence!

I lived in Africa as a child
and so I was fascinated to read
It brings back memories of life in a small African town:
the dust, the heat and the snakes.

Good News from Toddler Planet

WhyMommy has successfully finished
her gruelling chemotherapy treatment
and has now had a double mastectomy.
She is a very courageous lady
and now must recover from surgery
and finish with a course of radiotherapy.
Go, WhyMommy, Go!

A plea from the heart...

Do you good Wordpress and Typepad people realise
that your email address
is not automatically included in your profile?
I lerv to reply to your comments
but I am not able to access my blog
during the day
and so it has to be done by email.
And I can't if I don't have an address.....

A Message for Ali

Dear Ali,
I hold my hand up
I am guilty of buying food
just because it is in pretty tins.
(But - to the best of my knowledge -
I have never bought pilchards.)
The whole idea made me laugh a lot
And so I looked in my cupboard....


Lina said...

Ha! I knew you were the pilchard lady! I have such a backlog of replies and comments also. (or should that be backblog?) The whole email thing is very annoying - it never used to be this way with blogger. Have a great rest of the weekend! x

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the cheering on! Whoo-hoo!

(But isn't Pilchard a cat?) :-)

tess said...

that pilchard post of Ali's made me laugh, have to confess I voted for it to be you....
thanks for the links to new friends! x

dottycookie said...

Yay! I guessed Ali would have thought of you - and in a sad twist, I even sought out the pilchards while shopping yesterday. There are others in the range ...

Thank you for passing on the news of WhyMommy - I must go to visit, it has been too long. And thank you for the link to Ginnie's blog too!

I think typepad and blogger just don't like each other anymore ...

Ali said...

We need cupboard pictures Alice, because a LOT of bloggers suspected yours to be full of photogenic things.

Unknown said...

I agree with toddlerplanet. You are a good person to have in blogland.

Florence Knapp (Flossie Teacakes) said...

Thank you, Alice, for your lovely mention!

So looking forward to reading of your weirdnesses...if one of them is not having out-of-date but beautifully packaged pilchards in your cupboard...what can they be?! x

Ginnie said...

Thanks so much, Alice, for the mention! And thanks for the update on WhyMommy. That's great news.

carrie said...

The Reluctant Memsahib is fasctinating, especially after finishing the memoir of an African childhood, "Don't Let's Go to the Dogs Tonight." You oughta check it out, it's a great book!