Sunday 11 May 2008

Home Alone

I am sitting in the downstairs room at Loop with Domesticali, Dottycookie, Dragonfly, Quilt While You are Ahead and Kristina. This is not a frivolous outing - it is a serious Knitting Workshop and we are concentrating. My phone buzzes. I mustn't stop thinking about mattress stitch because I have waited all my life to learn how to do it and I can't afford to miss out.

Our tutor is Linda Marveng and she has prepared a wonderful presentation with examples and notes. She patiently helps us cast off with three needles. She shows us her fabulous knitted wardrobe - all Perfectly Finished. We GASP in unison. Linda is a great teacher and an inspiring knitter - thank you Linda.

We meet Susan Cropper who owns Loop. She seems perfectly happy to have Blogland annex her downstairs room for the day and does not complain about the gales of laughter drifting up the stairs - thank you Susan for being so helpful about the organisation of this lovely day.

And then it is lunch and we are in the charming little park behind Loop and there are too many things to talk about. We must hear about the book-making course that Ali and Monica have just been on and hear news of the Adorable Misses Small; we need to appreciate the delicious quiche made with eggs from Dragonfly's hens and decide whether Kristina should be promoted to a unique status as The Honorary Blogger? There is the small matter of finding a corkscrew to occupy us. We are busy, busy people.

It was a little bit worrying
to read the text at the end of the day.

All I can say is that it is now an ex-tree.

And I am O.K. about that.


Anonymous said...

Lucky you did not want it!
Did he get through his list?

Mary said...

Oh my - it does sound a little drastic though.

The day , on the other hand, sounds beautiful!

carolyn said...

At least he asked, my husband would have just gone ahead and done it.

tess said...

sounds like you had a lovely day, and that MrM had a busy one!

blackbird said...

Why is it they can run companies and make things and be terribly constructive BUT cannot be left alone unsupervised?

dragonfly said...

Mr M may want to work on his finishing techniques in the pruning dept. That stump could have someone's eye out!
Thank you so much for a wonderful day.

dottycookie said...

Such a fun day, and many thanks to you for organising it and bringing delicious salads. The Misses Small were delighted with their sweeties (I found the empty packet under their beds where they had naughtily taken them last night!)

And now I understand why you were worried about the text message - eeeeek!

Anonymous said...

Go, you!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a fun day was had by all!

Except the blueberry tree, that is.

Allison said...

Tragic for the tree, fun for you all!

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry. I did laugh about this. Quite a lot, actually...