Friday 14 September 2007

One Hundred

I have made it to 100 posts
which is amazing
because I have never ever kept a diary
past January 10th.

I would like to thank all of you
who visit and comment
and I offer you my best pictures of cabbages
which I hope will appeal to everyone.

Jane at Snapdragon
who grow things

bb at say la vee who appreciates whimsy
Val at dottycookie who will laugh at eccentricity
Carrie at Third Times A Charm? who needs help with slugs

Tracy at Pink Purl who comforts with caring comments
Carolyn at Willow House who can relate to rugbymania
Jane at Yarnstorm who loves colour

Breadbox who is MrMs's favourite contributor
Anne from Happy to be Here who has a teenage son...nuff said
Alice in Connecticut who monitors sartorial standards

And those without blogs
Paula and kmkat who are always welcome

GMS who knows that I did not grow these cabbages myself.

And everyone who drops by.
And everyone who lurks.


And last - but most important -
I thank my family for their tolerance
of my camera and my teasing.

It wouldn't be anything without them.


blackbird said...


A new way to celebrate 100 posts.

Well done - I'm so glad you are here.

ginny said...

Happy 100th post!
Always enjoyable, coming to visit you.

Unknown said...

Really nice pictures! (as usual)Congrats. Nice post.

BreadBox said...

Congratulations on 100! That's a great milestone! And now [lash]
on to [whip] 200! And [lash] 1000!


Anonymous said...

Congrats Alice. I'm glad you're enjoying yourself with this blog. We are all sure enjoying what you have to say and show us.

Anonymous said...

100 posts, many congratulations. And as for rugbymania,Willow House is today in mourning, the television is silent and the England rugby shirts lie discarded on the floor from whence they might never return as they silently slip beneath beds to hide in shame.
Here's to your next 100!

alice c said...

Thank you ladies - must go and look for my menfolk who are hiding behind the sofa after England were thrashed in France - than back to the grindstone (thanks Breadbox!).

dottycookie said...

Congratulations! Sorry I'm late ... but if you waved one of those cabbages at me I would not laugh, I would EAT it, pink frills and all!

BreadBox said...

100 posts is a milestone. Here is a way to get yet another post on the way to 200. I've tagged you, should you have a moment now that you obviously are going to have (cough) copious amounts of free time (cough) :-)

carrie said...

A little late, but Happy 100th Post!!! Beautiful photos!

So glad you are here!