Monday 15 October 2007


I'm feeling sorry for myself

My camera battery ran out in Liberty
after two pictures.

I can't show you the raspberry cupcakes
that made MasterM blush.


tess said...

what fantastic buttons!

love the dresses from the V&A too, I can hardly imagine what it must be like to actually wear one.

Anonymous said...

Raspberry cupcakes to make a man blush eh? The mind boggles. Sounds like you all had a great weekend.

blackbird said...

Well, we'll just look at these buttons and let our imaginations run wild...

dottycookie said...

Are you sure you can't be arrested for taking photos of buttons in Liberty?

Given that we didn't get there last weekend, I much thank you for the vicarious pleasure gained from seeing your photos ...

carrie said...

I can only imagine.