Friday 23 May 2008

Flowers in a Landscape

I want you to see what I see:

Buttercups bright against tall hedgerows,

wide banks of Flag Iris among the reeds,

a hay meadow of startling beauty.

Here, among the tall grass and Dandelions

are the plump flowers of Bird's-foot Trefoil

and by your feet, silvery Cinquefoil.

And, if you allow yourself to be still,
your head slowly fills with birdsong.


blackbird said...

Thank you for that small moment of peace.

Anonymous said...

thank you, that just made my day a little bit better! :)

Port Orchard flowers

Lina said...


Ali said...

Aaaaaatchoo! Beautiful.

dragonfly said...

Lovely, Alice, lovely.
I have been photographing the weeds over in my allotment and they look just as good as my flowers that I have coaxed into blooming this side of the fence...

Anonymous said...

can anyone remind me of the business about holding buttercups under one's chin ?

Unknown said...

If you hold a buttercup under someone's chin and you can see a yellow reflection then that person is supposed to like butter - of course you always get the reflection in sunshine so it's a bit of a no-lose situation - but we always did it as kids. Beautiful yellows Alice, thanks for sharing

Curlew Country said...

Glorios Alice, what a golden scene. Fabulous!
The organic slug pellets have worked wonders protecting my lupins. Mainly snails here and the slugs seem to have vanished. Definitely worth a try. Have a lovely Bank Holiday

fifi said...

so many golden things...
such a feast.

Anonymous said...

It is almost iridescent!

Anonymous said...

Is it wrong to want to roll around in each of those photos?

Anonymous said...

And it smells divine, too. A scent in words.

Anonymous said...

Hey, those are my iris!