One of the joys of blogging is that every now and then
somebody you have never met stops by and says 'hello'.
And then you go to visit them and before long
you know about their children,
and their hairdresser,
and even what they are having for supper.
And sometimes I wish that I could have a little drinks party
and wander around and introduce people.
I would say "Monica - have you met Tracey?
You are both quilting artists so you might already know each other."
(who will be escorted by her husband,Mr Lush,
and her chimneysweep)
somebody you have never met stops by and says 'hello'.
And then you go to visit them and before long
you know about their children,
and their hairdresser,
and even what they are having for supper.

and wander around and introduce people.
I would say "Monica - have you met Tracey?
You are both quilting artists so you might already know each other."

(who will be escorted by her husband,Mr Lush,
and her chimneysweep)
must meet the entrancing Maryam.
They are both Americans abroad,
far away from Target and Reese's Pieces.
I feel sure that Vanessa would enjoy meeting Florence.
Florence will love Vanessa's books
and Vanessa will be charmed by the stories of the little Teacakes
Readers Guide is a sailor
and so she can talk about boats with GMS.
I won't let him monopolise her all evening
because she might want to discuss books with Ali.
Lynn and Val have both got three year olds.
Lynn will be fascinated by Val's Science for Children series
Does Alice know Fifi?
They are both wonderful Australians with special writing styles.
I am going to keep Sarah all to myself
Is that selfish?
I want to know how many brothers she actually has...
every time I leave a message there is a new brother.
Perhaps she lives in a monastery...I need to know.
They are both Americans abroad,
far away from Target and Reese's Pieces.

Florence will love Vanessa's books
and Vanessa will be charmed by the stories of the little Teacakes

and so she can talk about boats with GMS.
I won't let him monopolise her all evening
because she might want to discuss books with Ali.
Lynn and Val have both got three year olds.
Lynn will be fascinated by Val's Science for Children series
Does Alice know Fifi?
They are both wonderful Australians with special writing styles.

Is that selfish?
I want to know how many brothers she actually has...
every time I leave a message there is a new brother.
Perhaps she lives in a monastery...I need to know.

Anne and Amy who can compare notes on sporty daughters.
And now, while I go off and find the cocktail umbrellas
and maraschino cherries, just make yourself at home.
If there is a new friend that you think I ought to invite
just let me know - the more the merrier!
Gosh, you do get around.
I have some reading to do.
This is the best idea. Badger (at badgermeetsworld) once did a very similar post called Matchmaker, and she paired me up with another of her readers and now we read each other and I dyed some yarn for her and blah blah blah it's very jolly and happy!
Off to read Fifi's blind date cos I adore Fifi's writing so I should adore her partner's, right?
I dunno, Val, after reading about your annotated eukaryotic genomes, I'm feeling a bit like a drooling moron...but I trust Mrs. M.'s inspired matchmaking, so let's give it a go.
Besides, if Eurolush would bring a barrelful of Frau Muller's pastries, a good time would be had by all, no matter what.
oh, party!
Such fun!
I am off to meet my new friend RIGHT NOW still carrying my cocktail...
You really know how to throw an elegant party. Perhaps I shouldn't be wearing my striped red bed socks as I read this...
Me? *giggle giggle*
What a lovely post...
Er...actually...eurolush is taken...sorry.
P.S. So is her chimney-sweep.
Oh, wow. Maryam has a beautiful blog...the photos, the food(!)...and look at how cute she is.
Thanks for the introduction...
Can't wait to read the rest!
Such a great idea--I'm always telling my friends about the neat bloggers I've met!
Eleanor, I heart you.
I am so there! I just love cocktails! I have three brothers. Two are identical twins and one is a little brother (much bigger than me!) I am 42 years young and am not quiet 5 feet tall. I am a cancer survivor and mother of three girls ages 14,11 and 6. I live in the US.
Well I had a lot of fun going over and "meeting" everybody on their blogs. I did not to get to read everything but will ASAP!
Thanks :)
I wish I could have a real cocktail :(
Tell you what, Lynn, since I don't work there anymore (still getting used to that) how about I just make a big jug of Pimms and we settle down on your porch for a good long chat?!
Thanks, Alice, for such a lot of fun new places to visit.
Val, you've got yourself a deal. As long as you promise to ignore the dust and creepy crawlies that the photo didn't show...
Wow... now that has kept me busy. Lovely post. Have to confess - I've probably not left a comment before but I have been lurking for a while. Found you through Val... super blog!
oh my, how very lovely. I do adore parties and thank you so much for inviting me. I think I might be a little overdressed wearing this gilt embroidered Moroccan caftan. Do I look silly?
oooh I spy Eurolush in the corner. I will have to go and say bonjour....
what a fantastic post!
t x
So sorry I am late. I was bewitched by other readings and completly lost track of the time. Nice to meet you all. No I know where fifi found me, and I feel so humbled. Hello! How are you? Nice shoes. (I like shoes). Who's she? Oh - she what!!!? Really? Well, I never. Well, actually I did, but I would never tell. I'd blog about it though, then the whole world would know. But they keep my secret. Right? RIGHT?
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