Saturday 24 May 2008

The Road Home

Yesterday MissM and I were on the busy roads
that separate school and home.
It was late evening.
I asked her to get the camera out of my bag.
I wanted to remember this sunset.

I said
'Please take some photos for me'
She said
'It is just cars and road'

I said
'I want a lorry'
She said
'Here's a lorry'

I said
'Find an interesting bridge'
She said
'Will this bridge work?'

I said
'Take this one straight into the sun'
She said
'That was a great photo'

I said
'See those shadows? Catch those'
She said
'I just did!'

It makes me ache to see these pictures.


blackbird said...

I'm smiling that Mother's smile.

Melody said...

Great capturing. I like this post. A lot.


Unknown said...

Great photos when buzzing along on a busy road

Ali said...

It all goes by far too fast.

Enjoy your half term.

Anonymous said...

I love the pictures. They just grow up too fast don't they? I have little tears in my eyes! :)

fifi said...

they make me ache too.

Such a lovely time of year, time of day, so quickly it disappears.

dottycookie said...

She's good, Alice! But then, you already knew that.

I think we may have been on the same road - or a different stretch of it. The traffic leading to the Dartford Crossing last night was truly appalling though.

Ali Honey said...

Well driven.
Well ordered.
Well taken!

Anonymous said...

Learning never stops, does it? Beautiful.

tess said...

a moment captured perfectly