Saturday 24 May 2008

The Train Home

MasterM is coming home after a party.
He texts MrM

im on the slow train home
ill see you in ten hours maybe

its been nice knowing you son

its been nice knowing you dad
i may see you in the afterlife
im pretty sure this train stops there
it stops everywhere else


Anonymous said...

Funny boys...

Anonymous said...

Heh ;)

Lynn said...

Thanks for the late-night chortle!

Unknown said...

What a wit!!! - had me chuckling out loud but underneath you can just hear his exasperation 'For goodness sake get me home please train!'

Melody said...

I think I've been on that train.

Anonymous said...

I've also waited for someone who was on that train. In fact, I think I'm still waiting.

Anonymous said...

I love this dry sense of humour. It's what kept me in England during the first horrible/cold/wet/grey winter that seemed never to end.

Just out of interest... has he arrived yet?

dottycookie said...


blackbird said...

The Local.

Sian said...

I didn't know that there were fast trains in this country.

Gina said...

I've been on that train... I've waited to meet people on that train. Hope he got home safely!