Friday 8 May 2009

Staick House, Eardisland

At the edge of a small village
encircled with orchards
at the height of their blossomy beauty

beside a slow stream,
adrift with reeds,

is a house
enclosed with stranded ivy

where the Sleeping Beauty
sleeps on.


Rhiannon said...

Is the sleeping beauty the princess or the house?
Although its a shame that somewhere so beautiful has just been left. There's a couple of houses like that in the lovely's home village, gorgeous houses just abandoned because no-one wants to move in


Gina said...

So beautiful but a shame it has been abandoned.

Unknown said...

You were just down the road from our friends - that area is like heaven with the door shut :o)

Mary said...

what a place to be able to take photographs!

Beautiful words too ...

Anonymous said...

What a pretty house! Too bad no one loves it. It would be beauitful all fixed up!

Unknown said...

Oh Alice what a knack you have for spotting the beautiful and making it interesting.

Lynn said...

I think I could fix up the place. Is there a church nearby that needs my husband's services? A wellness centre that needs mine??

Anonymous said...

It almost looks like the house at Green Knowe.

Lynn said...

I'm back to remind myself what I wrote earlier, and hark! The word verification is "scones." Surely a Sign if ever there was one...

silverpebble said...

It's just crying out to be lovingly restored - but what a project it would be! Plus Ms Beauty would have to evacuate.

Lyn said...

Wow what a wonderful place, I bet it is lovely inside, dust and cobwebs.

The Coffee Lady said...

I hate to think how much it would cost to even start to fix that roof.

Anonymous said...

Nell said..
hi I'm new to your blog its just lovely especially the church very unique.
I did enjoy the green players thank you muchly! The abandoned cottage with ivy wall I expected Jane Austin to emerge from.Wistful and in need of Love.