Tuesday 19 May 2009

At the end of the day

We leave behind the cold rain and grey skies
to go to Evensong in the Cathedral.

Afterwards, we chat to a elderly Friar
who is a friend of MrM's father, Thomas.
MrM says "You have a new habit!
The last one had a big patch on!".
It seems rather irreverent to me
but the elderly Friar is amused,
in a saintly kind of way.

We are nearly the last to leave
and the covered stone passages are empty.

The light at the entrance to the cloister
distracts me and for a moment
the photograph is all I can think about.

Turning, I find that I am alone
and MrM and MissM have walked on
without me.

I run to catch up.

If I had not stopped
I could have listened to MissM
describe her Eurovision party
with themed food.
I would have liked that.


Rhiannon said...

themed food? that sounds like something amazingly well organised!

the cathedral looks lovely - just the sort of thing to make you feel glad of the world on a grey afternoon :)


Lynn said...

Oh, how peaceful it looks!

Unknown said...

Alice - more for your coffee table books here. Love the light at the end of the cloisters - you have such a clever eye. Friends of ours have a Eurovision party every year with silly themed food and bizarre countries to support drawn from the hat, forgot to ask them if anyone drew Norway this year

kristina said...

If I'd only known, I could have loaned Miss M my Norwegian cookbooks! K x

silverpebble said...

Well, edible glitter certainly exists. Not sure about edible spandex though.

Gina said...

Themed Eurovision food? I'm intrigued! Hope it's not as bad as the music! Beautiful photographs Alice.

dottycookie said...

We went to a Eurovision party with themed food one year - I seem to recall many people decided that vodka was the most representative 'food' item from the countries they had been assigned ... Oh, and lots of cheese and sausages too. Hope MissM's was better organised !

menopausalmusing said...

But...... because you DID stop, you got the beautiful photos at the time you wanted and captured the light...... you can still hear about the themed food.... and how silly is this?..... I clicked on "themed food", for heavens sake.......!!! (Then found myself laughing at how ridiculous I had been). x

Allison said...

What a sense of peace that comes thru these photos. Thank you for sharing!

RW said...

Wow. To be part of Evensong in such a location.
How incredible.

blackbird said...

you wouldn't have had the photo for us then - and that wouldn't do.

Anonymous said...

What a beaqatiful place. I would have stopped and taken pictures too!