Having a great time in Medellin.
Planning to head up to Cartagena
and the Caribbean.
be aware of the risk of swine 'flu
do not go too close to active volcanoes
avoid remote areas where there is a risk of kidnapping
stay away from high risk neighbourhoods in the cities
I think we might get this kind of pirate boat
to Panama which stops at these tiny islets.
Doesn't sound too bad.
Pirate boat??
Just cruisin'
Having a great time in Medellin.
Planning to head up to Cartagena
and the Caribbean.
be aware of the risk of swine 'flu
do not go too close to active volcanoes
avoid remote areas where there is a risk of kidnapping
stay away from high risk neighbourhoods in the cities

I think we might get this kind of pirate boat
to Panama which stops at these tiny islets.
Doesn't sound too bad.
Pirate boat??

Wow! It looks beautiful there!Love the pirate boat
Is he too old to be sent to sit on the stairs?
The city and the boat do look fabulus though. Perhaps you could just conjure thoughts of Captain Pugwash rather than Long John Silver.
Oh bother - fabulous, not 'fabulus'. Argh.
I guess we'll never stop worrying about them even when they get to 60+
I suspect he may have been, ahem, overegging the pirate pudding. I expect it's just a slightly scruffy boat that is sometimes used for a spot of smuggling. I shall resist the temptation for pirate jokes.
Prepare to repel boarders ??
You gave warnings, he heard 'blah, blah, blah..'
Master M is 60+?!?! You must have been a child bride.
I liked the look of Cartegena...but you've put the fear of God in me now.
Please can I have the pirate boat?
You have to love them! Joe has just announced he no longer wants to go to university but is going to stay in his job for another year and then travel again - eighteen months in Asia!
Oh dear.
But doesn't Medellin look pretty? And the islets sound nice, don't they?
Let's just hope the pirate boat is like the one pictured . . .
All I can say is: thank GOD it is not customary for Tuvaluan children to have a Gap Year.
Oh Alice, that Master M!
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