Sunday 17 May 2009

Some you win, some you lose.

Gusty wind
Policemen on horses
Street barbequeue
Old friends
Car park parties
Bag checks
Flags, flags, flags
A long range kick drifting wide


After the match I left MrM at the stadium
and walked back with the crowds to the station.
On the train home there were two little lads,
perhaps seven or eight years old,
who had been at the match with their dads.
They were fizzing with excitement -
for them the result was less important
than the experience of going to Twickenham.
We 'bantered' about the best London Irish player
and, fortunately, my rugby knowledge
just about took the strain.
I asked them what position they played
and when I told them that was the same as my son
they asked me where my son was.
I nearly said "On a pirate ship"
but they might have thought I was making it up
so I just said that he was walking in the jungle.
Their eyes were as big as saucers.
It was the best part of the day.


kristina said...

I bet your stories about Master M were the highlight of the little lads' day as well!

But more importantly, did you decide on the green wig, the boa, or the hat?

K :)

Ali said...

You have that effect on small boys Alice.

Glad the encounter made up for the result.

Unknown said...

one point! - what a shame - better luck next year - now the entertainment will be to hear how the commentators are going to differentiate between Leicester and Leinster in the next match when they get over excited - a challenge for even the great Bill Mclaren that one :o)

Gina said...

Walking in the jungle sounds just as exotic and wonderful as being on a pirate ship. I bet the little boys loved your tales of Master M.

dottycookie said...

Well, I'm impressed by his adventures too, and I am neither small not male!

Rhiannon said...

i am fairly certain that if you'd said "pirate ship" their eyes would have popped out of their heads in excitement!


Anonymous said...

Sorry they lost! What did you wear? Walking in the jungle would be exciting to any little boy. Master M lives a life of adventure!